We’re Having a Baby!!!

Alternate titles: “Scott is Proud to Present his First Snow Photo of the Season”, or “It Truly is a Wonderful Life”, or “Week 16: Our Baby is the Size of an Avocado” (one very proud mama this week….).
All fitting, don’t you think???
We know, you’re sitting in disbelief, wondering if you read that correctly. Please take it from me – I keep staring at the title in disbelief as well, as Scott and I truly never thought we would be writing those words to share with you. We have thought for months about penning another elusive and leading title, but at the end of the day we decided for ONCE in this blog’s life, we would share our news with you directly – so yes – WE ARE HAVING A BABY!
Expected very early June, 2021.
Sharing this news with you all is so very special to us, and I’ve spent the day a bundle of anxious and nervous energy about finally revealing our secret. Scott and I have been sitting with this since September, growing more and more excited by the day as a heartbeat was heard, a sonogram was seen, and a gender was revealed.
But we are keeping that a secret for awhile ;)
You have watched our lives unfold here on this blog. You read about the early days of our relationship as I moved to DC to be with Scott. You were among the first to know when Scott asked me to marry him that night on the waterfront in Alexandria, Virginia. You cheered us from afar as our little blog grew as a dating and dining resource in our nation’s capital.
And when we announced moving home to Medina, you cried tears with us during many hard goodbyes and those of you in Medina opened your hearts and your arms to us as we bought my childhood farm to turn it into our first home. You have mourned the loss of our family members in the passing of Ivan, Miah, and recently our beloved Cado. You shared in celebration when Scott and I (finally) got married next to the pond on our property. And the next year when we bought The Shirt Factory and turned it into Scott’s dream of a craft cocktail bar, your rallying cries have kept us going when we have been too exhausted to even speak.
There hasn’t been a piece of our relationship and our lives that this community has not seen us through, cheering us on every step of the way. It is truly an honor to be able to navigate this next chapter with you – a chapter we never knew we wanted, but are so grateful we now get to experience.
We have so many questions for you as first time parents to-be. And I know this news has probably inspired a thousand questions for all of you as well. I think my Dad’s first words after we told him were, “But wait….I thought you weren’t having children??”. :) Oh, Pops. You were so right. But 2020 has a habit of both inspiring true reflection and pulling the rugs out from beneath us, and this was most certainly a combination of the two.
We will share more with you soon – the day we found out, some of the craziest reactions we’ve had, our emerging thoughts on becoming parents and our changing relationship, and of course – the most intimate and special gender reveal that truly was something of the sweetest dreams thanks to my little sister.
In the meantime – WE ARE HAVING A BABY!!!!! Phew. That feels good.
Love to you all. xoxo.