A Five Month Recap. Of Sorts.

They say life happens while you’re busy making plans. I haven’t been making plans, but life has been happening and time has been relentless.
My last post on this blog was never published – I penned it a day or two after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. I believe it began “Scared. Sad. Speechless.” I challenged myself in February to write daily, and for a week or two I did well. I found a rhythm and a release in writing again and the opportunity to write all the things was something I looked forward to. Unfortunately, world tragedy took the words away from me and I fell into yet another black hole on this space.
Too depressed to make merry on the blog, I turned back to the most grounding and motivating part of my life: Roux. But I’ve said goodbye to that little 8 month old from February, and today I have been snuggling the most perfect 13 month old in the world. Life actually happens when you have a little one to focus on and enjoy, and I’ve ceased making those elaborate plans.
So much has happened for us in the last five months. Roux is *almost* walking, babbling, singing, and plays the most ridiculously entertaining games with me all day long. I can’t get enough. He’s our world, and how I existed without him I’ll never know. He’s the best and most perfect human ever, though Scott is a close second.

The Factory continues to steal what little time we get together as a family, and quite simply, something will have to give. We’re working on that now, and while we’ve been blessed with a community of support, we just can’t keep up when we continue to run on fumes. More on that soon. In the meantime, cocktails and brunch just keep getting busier and we are thankful to work with so many wonderful humans and serve people who have become some of our dearest friends. Always silver linings. I’m proud of what we are doing, no matter how long it lasts.
Scott started a new job at the end of last year and is infinitely happier than I’ve seen him – this role just fits beautifully. I have been balancing managing the Factory with #momlife, and have taken an additional semester off from teaching to spend with our son. Life is busy and Roux is often seen on my hip in the kitchen at the Factory, but I’m hoping this early exposure to hospitality and the culinary atmosphere instills an appreciation of all things food. One day soon I’ll walk hand in hand with him down a winding street in Italy, off the beaten path, eating gelato together and on the hunt for more pizza. Dreams.
When I haven’t been working the kitchen and when Roux naps, I have found myself again on the green grass of Fox Cross. Not just physically, but the land here does something to my soul when I tame it. It’s a dance I’ve had with this earth for the last 30 years: I work, it yields, and we enjoy the breath we get from new life together. I fantasize about hearing my heels click on the sidewalk on a busy street in DC, and one day I hope to find another purpose with Scott and Roux in that city. But Fox Cross is that first love, that old flame, the one that never ever goes out. And while we are living our life on this farm in rural WNY, I plan to make the most of it.

Today I chose to write while Roux naps, and it feels just as good as running out to play in the dirt. Cheers to life happening whether or not you’re busy with work, littles, or making those elaborate plans. Take a moment today and enjoy it, friends.