All Good Things…

If one likes his work, it will become his recreation.
Robert Newell
It is with the biggest sigh of relief (maybe in my life?) that I now pen this post.
If you’re reading this, you’ve either been along for our ride since 2013 when Scott and I published our first blog post in DC, or you’re brand new and were directed here to read about what lies ahead for our Shirt Factory. Either way, we’re thankful you’re here, as it means you have supported us in one way or another and for that we are eternally grateful.
It’s been a labor of love. Sweat. Tears. Oh so many tears. Sleepless nights. Early morning phone calls and texts informing us of yet another call-out. Broken appliances. Supply chain issues. Rising costs. More broken coolers. Unforeseen departures of beloved staff. More rising costs and broken equipment. And always heartbreak when yet again, a stranger who became Factory family had to say goodbye.
We did this thing because we believed vehemently in providing a service to the community; a safe place where all walks of life are welcome, all beliefs, all creeds and colors. We had giant dreams of a cocktail bar where Scott could mix and share the deep and reverent love for his hometown.

However, the cafe was part of the purchase, but never the dream.
Scott and I threw ourselves into the space, pouring every last ounce of energy we had leftover after our day jobs and our maintenance of our farm. The cafe crept into every conversation, even when we willed it away. We worked 7 days a week, barely seeing each other for more than a few minutes a day outside of Factory life. The cocktail program brought a sense of purpose to all of that exhaustion, and so we braved the cafe struggles to keep the real dream alive.
And then 2020.
We weathered Covid – not without inherent struggles, but we did it. We operated the only way we could safely manage, and we survived the storm. 2021 saw the cafe reopened, cocktails were flowing and boozy brunch gained an alarming momentum, as if you have ever seen the kitchen at the Factory, you’d wonder how we could do it, too. Our son Roux arrived in the summer of ’21, and of course every priority in our life shifted. I stayed at home full time to manage the Factory and care for Roux while Scott continued with his career, occasionally bartending when time allowed.

Nothing has ever been the same since 2020. The struggles of keeping the cafe thriving in a post-Covid-drive-thru world mounted. As everyone knows, the costs of food and product has increased exponentially, and charging 2.15 for a cup of artisanal coffee is near impossible. Brunch and cocktails continue to keep the Factory alive, but all of our energy has been spent on the cafe and it continues to creep into every conversation. It continues to interfere with the little family we have created, and it has kept the two of us passing like ships in the night.
Robert Newell, the angel on our shoulders, said it best: if one likes his work, it will become his recreation.
We choose now to listen to the patriarch of our Factory and find the balance between work and family. We love love love our dream of cocktails and boozy brunch, and so we choose to pour our hearts into those programs for awhile yet. But it’s time to let the cafe go, and we have peace in this decision.
The relief comes in the form of a brand new coffeehouse in Medina, just a block down the street, and two amazing men who will pour their hearts and souls into brewing the best coffee and creating the most incredible lattes for us all. They have the passion for coffee and espresso that we’ve never had, and with their launch in Medina, we can finally step away from the cafe. It’s the biggest blessing and we encourage everyone to show them the love that you’ve shown the Factory since Andrew Meier launched the space in 2006. It will feel so good again to go sit in a beautiful coffeeshop and not be at work – you’ll see us there regularly, and I hope you say hello. Follow along with The Coffee Pot CafĂ© as they open their doors on August 1st.
So where does that leave the Factory? We now get to pursue the original dream: craft cocktails. Boozy Brunch. Bourbon Club. Speakeasy. Private Events. All of the things that fill our cup, not drain it. We will have the time and passion for this work, and for Mr. Newell, it will become our recreation. And best of all, our dream of spending time together as a family will no longer be on the back burner. Time for family is the forever dream, and will always be.

Life is too short, friends. It’s just too short. Roux has reminded us of that, and we choose to spend our energy on the things that bring us joy. Our family. Our friends. Our blog and our joint hobbies (HELLLLLO it’s time to date again!!!). And our work at the Factory on the programs we love brings us so much joy – we hope you’ll see that, too.
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts to everyone who has frequented the cafe and shown us unwavering support. We endeavor to keep that support as the Factory begins its new chapter, and we hope to make Medina proud.
And with that, all good things…must come to an end.
Follow along with the Factory on Facebook and Instagram, and on our website: