Date Night: Waxlight Bar a Vin

Ok, ok. I missed a day (or two) of my February writing challenge. The weekend was a bit more than I anticipated (helllllo, Shirt Factory) and I was dead to the world after brunch on Sunday. Monday I spent in the barn with my sick horse and then napping with the babe – for the first time EVER. Verdict? Bliss. I strongly recommend the “sleep when the baby sleeps” philosophy (though my kid is almost 8 months old and that’s the first time I’ve ever done that).
But this post – this one I have been dreaming about writing for two years – almost to the day. Our first trip to Waxlight Bar a Vin was on February 12th, 2020. We took the Factory bar team on an excursion to Buffalo to visit some of our favorite cocktail bars. Waxlight was on our shortlist; while we’d never been, we desperately wanted to go and it was the one new spot we put on the agenda, saving it for our last spot of the night.

That evening, the team cozied up to the bar and were completely overwhelmed by the creativity, the execution, and the atmosphere. Though we knew him, Tony Rials didn’t know us. But that’s how we knew he was the real deal, and that everyone who walks through the doors at Waxlight would get the royal treatment. He spent the entire evening crafting each drink to perfection, engaging us, chatting with us, ensuring that we had the best time. It doesn’t matter that we own a cocktail bar when we visit others – it’s their take, their vision, and their pride in the program that hooks us. That evening, Tony hooked us.
So for our 3rd anniversary in the summer of 2020, we returned to Waxlight to sit on the patio. This time our evening was spent enjoying the talents of Edward Forster and Joseph Fenush, both responsible for the incredible level of culinary prowess coming from their kitchen. And yes of course, we enjoyed the cocktails once again.

Obviously dining in 2020 was difficult (isn’t it still?) so we sat on the patio and enjoyed dish after dish, eating to our heart’s content. Part of this writing challenge is to recall and put in print the experiences we’ve loved but never published. Two years later, we can’t remember in detail the ingredients of each dish and cocktail. But like that cliche about not remembering what was said but what it made you feel? That was this meal. Long after we left, bellies full and desperately happy, we have reminisced over the level of perfection that evening. The ambiance. The dinner. The romance.

Scott and I have always sought to experience places we’ve never been. There are too many restaurants to visit to spend time returning to the same restaurant over and over. Waxlight warrants as many repeat visits as one can manage, and even then I’m not sure I could be satiated. It’s that good.

So Scott, when shall we do dinner??
To the team at Waxlight, thank you for giving us a taste of what we’ve all been missing the last few years. Even in the midst of Covid, our 3rd anniversary was spent drinking and dining at what has quickly become one of our favorite spots in all of WNY. Cheers, friends.
Haven’t been?? Check out their website and Instagram to plan your visit.