
Two words.
I remember sitting on the couch in the back of the Shirt Factory, last week. I couldn’t find the words to describe the sudden emotions many of us were feeling. I wanted to joke, I wanted to smile, I wanted to say something comforting – I couldn’t.
Another day would go by. It was just after Sunday brunch, and we were pulling out of the Shirt Factory parking lot. That’s when the words came to both of us. Written on the 810 Meadworks board was a statement we needed more than ever before: We Love You Medina. That was it. The neighbor, who we had spoken to several times about the events unfolding in front of all of us, wrote what we all needed. None of us should be asked to go through this challenging time alone. We’re the community that is constantly doing our part to build each other up. Our neighbors, our dear friends, showed us that during this difficult time we were all in it together.
Two words. First, Medina. My home, the area I would defend, my love. Second, strong. A sentiment indicating when we all come together or need some assistance we’ll rise up with the strength for others. It’s the community we’re so proud to be part of, because we’re all Medina Strong. I can’t remember the first time I saw that hashtag used on Instagram or what the reasoning was, but now we should all jump behind the term. It’s being used as the wallpaper on social media accounts, in hashtags for business and personal use, and in comments like these.
When the Shirt Factory began making cocktails in 2018 we wanted to tell stories about the area. Whether it was Tavern Talk, The Docks, or The Statesman, we’ve always focused on the vibrant past. Today, we’ve made a decision. In trying times we all look to our community. With that, we are naming our two new cocktails after all of you. To the collection of Medina Strong. For the past 1 1/2 years we’ve had the honor of serving you drinks and having conversations across the bar. We’ve made new friends, rekindled old, and told stories about the past. While we can’t all sit around the bar right now, we’re going to do our best to provide a little entertainment and comfort during these difficult times.
At least for this weekend, we’ve created a menu that includes (doubles and bottles) Old Fashioneds, Manhattans, Margaritas, #MedinaStrong, and We Rise. We’re also planning a digital/virtual cocktail party for Saturday night. We’ll share details soon.
I can’t wait to stand on the other side of the bar and tell the story about how Medina came together during these difficult times. We will rise from this, we will find better days, we simply must because we are #MedinaStrong.
Stay healthy, stay safe, and stay positive.
All orders for the Shirt Factory can be placed here: https://www.shirtfactorymedina.com/
*Remember, all alcohol must be accompanied by a food order.