Happy Birthday, Alix!

“Today is going to be weird.” I’m pretty sure these are the first words that came from Alix’s mouth this morning.
Typically I would say, “if you see this girl today, wish her a happy birthday!” Obviously, this year will be a little different. 2 months ago our plans were set. While we rarely allow ourselves to escape the area, we had plans to Chicago booked. Top cocktail bars, restaurants, and sightseeing were going to take our weekend by storm. Like many of you, our plans had to change.
Alix is rarely the center of attention in photographs, blog posts, and other social media mentions. She seems to like it that way. What you might not know is that Alix is also the one who keeps the wheels on the bus. She’s always been the brains behind this blog and takes the leadership role at the Shirt Factory. When it comes to Fox Cross Farm, she has the dreams to see how we can reinvent her childhood horse farm.
While we’re doing our best to keep our eyes on the future, we’ve spent the last couple of days taking a look on the highlights from the last year.
If there was a common theme, it was most certainly Wren. There is no doubt that Alix’s favorite moment from the last year was the time spent with this baby bird.
Saying these two are close would be an understatement. Whether it was flying to Texas on her last birthday or spending time together over the holidays, Alix will do anything possible to see her sister.
As we were walking along the canal, she told me one of her favorite moments of the last year was holding a very special baby shower at the Shirt Factory. Flowers covered the interior as Evan and Adrienne surprised everyone with the news that they would be having a baby girl.
Whether you know Alix or not, one of her best traits is how she cares for everyone. Cado (think of her favorite green food) was rescued a couple years ago and goes insane whenever she gets home from work.
While Chicago had to be delayed, we did make it to Florida with her siblings.
You can never create a list of Alix’s favorite things without also saying Washington, DC. She has a dream of having a place down there and we’ve vowed when things settle down we’ll be heading back.
While this birthday will unfortunately be different, we’ll make up for it soon. Dinner tonight is going to have the avocado theme, as we prepare an entire menu tied to her favorite food.
This woman is the most caring person I know. She looks out for those in her life and does overtime when it comes to worrying about them. Whether she’s talking about her students, family, or what drives her passions, she will always go the extra mile to show others how special they are.
Rather than thinking about how weird today is going to be, we’re going to begin planning how we’ll spend her real celebration in the not so distant future.
Happy Birthday, Alix!