Last Call at Shirt Factory {thanks for the memories}

As the hours wind down and August 1st approaches, we’ve done our last official cocktail service. Last official brunch. We’ve felt your love and support over the last few weeks as we were feeling every inch of every “last”. Tonight we walked out of the Factory, snapped a few quick last photos, and shed what I know are not the last tears.
But what we have to do before that clock strikes midnight is to thank YOU.
Dreams are not achieved solely by those who dream, but by those who support and encourage the dreamer.
For five years, you allowed us to create. And not only allowed, but motivated and inspired us to create more, play more, and discover pieces of ourselves that we didn’t know existed.

While my preference has been to stay in the shadows in the kitchen for the last few years and seldom in front of the camera, I have had the responsibility and privilege of telling our story and narrating as our vision came to life. I took every picture, wrote every caption, and in turn I have read EVERY. SINGLE. WORD that any of you have left. Every comment, supportive word, email – I’ve seen them all. Every time you liked a post, “loved” a story, checked in or tagged us when you sat at the bar or cafĂ©. I have seen those words, felt that support, and have been humbled by your kindness.
This was never about us. The Factory is so much more than those who own it – we discovered that quickly when we tried to change our chai or rework that beloved Bob Hope sandwich ;) The Factory belongs to Medina, we were merely stewards of that space. When we brought craft cocktails to the Factory in 2018, you gave Scott the chance to breathe history into every creation. You listened to his stories and asked for more. Every drink he made hearkened back to something unique about this beautiful village, and after 5 years – quite the book has been written.

You are not patrons, you are friends. Even those who join us for the first time only stay strangers until we say hello – then you are a part of Medina. A part of our story.
When the world came crashing down in March 2020, you kept our door open and our lights on. Every weekend, cocktail bottles and takeout orders flooded in and Chris made his rounds in the #MedinaStrong truck. We stayed alive during that because of you. We’ll never forget the night of our Virtual Cocktail Party, the hundreds of faces who joined behind their screens so we all could feel less alone. Oh, friends, you’ve been something special.

Thank you for taking a chance on two kids who grew up in Medina, moved away, and decided to come back and do something in our hometown. Once upon a time, I told Scott that he needed to “get a hobby”. He chose cocktails, and I’m so thankful he did.
We can’t name everyone who has put the wind in our sails over and over again, so we won’t attempt. To our family and friends who have heard “we’re working” for way too long, for running errands, watching our baby, sharing in our passion – thank you for your constancy. To our Factory team over the last 5 years – thank you for your time, talents, and help in relaying that vision (and improving upon it). The laughs and tears we’ve shared are my favorite moments without a doubt. To the regulars who have spent countless hours on those stools and at the back tables – you know who you are and how much we love you. To the entire Medina business community for playing along and banding together – Medina is the envy of every small town, and we know that the secret to success is FRIENDSHIP and wanting the best for one another. A win for anyone in town is a win for us all.
We have made friends for life. And now it’s time to live it, on the other side of the bar sitting with you and toasting to new chapters.
To all of the small business owners in our community, our friends who are still pouring their passion into this place, and especially for the new owners and our very dear friends of this beautiful cocktail bar, Andrew and Rich – we wish you the best.
Go win it for Medina.