The One with All the Resolutions

I have been waiting a long time to use this title. It’s my favorite episode of Friends and I’m still in deep mourning for Matthew Perry, but at the very heart of me, I’m a resolution girl.
I’ve seen so many things swirling around the interwebs over the last few days pertaining to the making (or not, as the case may be) of resolutions. You have your staunch resolutioners (a la ME), your “I’ll make one or two and commit” crowd, and those that refuse to acknowledge the opportunity as not to inevitably fail. The “if I don’t make it I won’t break it” contingent.
Different strokes for different folks, I know. And I applaud you for choosing what’s best for your life no matter the category. But to me the act of renewal, rebirth, a fresh start whether it is a season, a birthday, a new month – there is hope that intrinsically lies attached to new moments. As if they are too pure to be soiled, too ripe with opportunity that we will automatically be assigned a win just by believing in them. I live for them. And though I rarely make them all happen, I vehemently believe in setting goals and striving for better.
Before I vow to better things in 2024 – there is one thing I’ve seen that I need to take the time to honor:

2023 was a huge year for us. We made major life decisions and parted with the Factory after 5 years. I went back to work and our daily routine changed dramatically. I learned more about myself this year and had many setbacks, but every one has been a learning opportunity and a catalyst for growth.
This year, I want intention. Slow moments with my son and my family. Cooking – not for the masses as I have done in the kitchen at the Factory for many years, but for us. Our friends. New recipes, flavors, dishes to adorn the table. I want to leverage our garden to provide for us all year long. I want to reclaim Fox Cross Farm as she once was, with paths through the woods for playing and exploring, fields to take trail rides on horseback, and perennial gardens that grow in masses of color all around the property.
I hope to gain clarity on my career, find focus and fulfillment in the time that I spend away from my family. I want to wield my camera to document our life again – few things in the world give me as much joy as capturing life through my lens. I want to write and write often. The blog always gave me an outlet, and before I ever had DC Minute and all that came with it, I had another blog and blogged for me. So writing, whether it appears publicly or only in a space of my own, must be part of my daily practice.
I want to read. Anything and everything. I see my friends post their book goals, their recommendations, and their impressive end-of-year stats and I want in. Much of my life is spent behind a screen, and I long to thumb through the pages of an actual book. I want to model a love of reading for my son so he too can slip away into other worlds whenever he pleases.
I want travel. I want to hit the road, board the plane, whatever I must do to see the world. Whether it’s a day trip an hour away or a plane to Italy, I need to see it. I want Roux to know that while Medina is home, there are other cultures, languages, and experiences that make him a global citizen and an ally to all mankind. If there is anything I hope he learns, it is an acceptance, appreciation, and reverence for all humanity, and it’s our duty to expose him to as much as we can.
And last but not least – I want to be kinder to myself. I know that we are all our own worst critics, but I seldom pause to honor the work I’m doing to be the best mom, wife, daughter, sister, friend that I can be. I don’t make time for myself to exercise, reflect, nurture my own needs. I don’t look at something I’ve done and see success or accomplishment – just ways it could be better. We must remember that growth is continuous but it shouldn’t negate the hard work that is part of the process, and just as I praise Roux for all his tiny successes each day, I need to do it for myself as well.
I wish you only the most wonderful things for 2024. May it bring you abundant peace, happiness, and love all year long.