Our List of Must Watch Christmas Movies

It’s December 19th and our time to fit in as many Christmas movies as possible is dwindling. As many of you know we used to begin watching Christmas movies around the time school started; Christmas with the Kranks, Santa Clause, and National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation were regular movies that we’d fall asleep t0 with regularity. 100s of views later, we still can’t get enough.
But when December comes we pull out our favorites which means less of a focus on Hallmark and movies that mean something more – break out the popcorn, peanut butter blossoms, and prepare for movies that remind you of your childhood:
It’s a Wonderful Life – This should come as no surprise, especially for those who know us. The first time we did a joint Halloween costume we were George and Mary Bailey.
Christmas Story – This is nostalgic. Christmas Day wasn’t complete without knowing there was a 24 hour viewing of this movie. Imagine a world where terms like leg lamp, FRAGILE, triple dog dare, and “you’ll shoot your eye out” don’t exist.
White Christmas – As much as I love Christmas movies, Alix introduced this one to me. Beyond the namesake song, I’m a sucker for the storyline. Bringing several former troops back for a grand celebration that is based around providing happiness to their former Colonel holiday gold.
Love Actually – While it’s still hard to watch the story line between Alan Rickman and Emma Thompson, this movie is a favorite. When Hugh Grant dances, Liam Neeson welcomes his son back from airport security, Colin Firth confesses his love, and Andrew Lincoln holds up large cue cards we IMMEDIATELY get into the holiday spirit. In 2019, we even created an entire cocktail menu and holiday pop-up around this movie at Shirt Factory.
Home Alone – The older we get the more questions we have. This year’s question is why did they order so many pizzas when they were leaving town the next morning? Overall, this movie is fun and gives just enough slapstick comedy to keep you engaged.
Santa Clause – This ranks in the top movies we’ve started and not finished. We used to turn it on when we got in bed and would always fall asleep before they arrived at the North Pole. One of the major highlights of his movie is the fact that it actually includes Santa Claus. The sequel is worth a watch, while the third can be skipped.
Elf – One year…or for several, I would answer the phone on Christmas morning “Buddy the Elf, what’s your favorite color?” You’ll never guess the scene that gets Alix to laugh every time…
Bishop’s Wife – With all the fun more comedic movies on the list, this one is needed. Dudley shows us the importance of focusing on the things that really matter. For many of the reasons that I love It’s a Wonderful Life, I also like this movie.
National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation – I wholeheartedly disagree with those who say this is a top 3 Christmas movie of all time. While partially endearing, I think Cousin Eddie is annoying. He has redeeming qualities and only wants to defend Clark in the end. To his credit, Clark just wants to make his family happy. He does everything possible to create the person holiday and for that I like this movie.
Christmas with the Kranks – I’m going to need my Christmas vest to explain our love of this one. I can’t even count the number of times we’ve turned this movie on and also fallen asleep to it. It’s not even the best movie, but there are so many minor pieces that we really enjoy.
The Grinch (Newest Version) – One name – Bricklebaum. He embodies the meaning of the holiday season and sees the good in the Grinch. Starting with our niece and now our son, we’ve seen this movie maybe more than any other.
The Grinch (Original) – This is another nostalgic movie. It also quickly became a favorite of Roux’s and we’ll see him acting out different scenes.
The Muppets Christmas Carol – Whenever I watch another version of the Christmas Carol I get confused when Kermit isn’t Bob Cratchit and Michael Caine isn’t Ebenezer Scrooge.
Four Christmases – Any couple finds at least some humor in this movie when their families are in the same area. While I don’t know that I particularly care for any of the four families, it’s hard not to hope they all end up well in the end. As a completely random note, everytime I hear the name Brad I think of Vince Vaughn explaining how he changed his name from Orlando to Brad.
Fred Claus – Just like Four Christmases and Christmas with the Kranks, sometimes it’s fun to watch a Christmas movie that you don’t need to focus too hard on. I like turnaround stories during the holidays where the good in people really comes out. The idea that there are no bad kids as Fred explains to his brother is what the movie really is about. The high point is when the elf named Willie jumps up on the stool and kisses his crush after they’ve delivered all of the presents.
Christmas Prince – This was the movie that put Netflix above Hallmark. It might not be the best movie they’ve released, but it’s a fun romantic comedy. I remember not-so-patiently waiting for the sequels and even though they weren’t that good, it was a fun trilogy.
The Holiday – Great cast, amazing music, and the undeniable urge to root for Arthur Abbott. Who doesn’t want to go to London after watching this movie? *Also, Alix wanted me to insert two words: JUDE LAW.**
Life and Adventures of Santa Claus – One of Alix’s childhood favorites, a claymation by Rankin Bass that gets to the heart of the matter. Best quote of the film? “Every man has his mission, which is to leave the world better, in some way, than he found it.”
That’s our roundup, all. We hope you have a few quiet nights ahead to enjoy some of your favorites. Cheers!