Happy 40th Birthday, Scott!

It feels like just yesterday we were at Hunan Number One in Arlington, surrounded by our DC friends and fam ringing in year #30. And here we are a decade later, Roux playing with his train on the floor, Zambistro take-out waiting, and Love Actually ready to play – your favorite.
It’s been an absolutely beautiful decade together.

But today I am not sad to see it go – today I am looking forward to the future with you. Often we get so caught up in the day to day (and by we, I mean me) that the little moments pass us by without relishing in them. But you don’t live life like that – starting with that very first letter in that very first gift on the very first night that we reconnected in 2012, every day you find joy and do everything you can to share it. People are drawn to you because of your sheer enjoyment in things as simple as a first snow *and subsequent photo*, and as complex as your love for this small town in which we call home. You remind everyone to listen to their inner child and see the world with as much magic as you do.

This next decade I hope that we get to live to the fullest. There will be hard times, many tears, and other unforeseen setbacks, but I know that we will weather them together. I hope we see the world, with Roux in tow, and make as many memories together as a family of 3 as we did a family of 2. I see in him all the wonderful things I see in you, and I can’t wait to watch you two grow even deeper in love in the most beautiful father/son relationship I’ve ever seen.

Scott – happy birthday to you, my love. Happy today, happy tomorrow, happy always. May your 40th year be the best one yet!