3 Years Ago We Came Back to Medina

The moving truck door closed and we put the final bags in the car.
Our plan to move home to Medina was largely unknown. We commonly said we were moving home to do something “different”. Home-ownership was easier, we joked about a business venture, and we thought a slowdown would allow us to do a lot more. The thought of replacing the Washington, DC area with a small town made us believe we’d be kicking back more evenings in the backyard.
Boy were we wrong.
One month after moving home we started second guessing things. What had we done? While our DC life was always busy, we learned to manage things. One Friday night we decided we were going to stay local and just wanted to grab a bite and a drink. We showed up at one venue to realize they closed at 6pm. Instead of heading home we turned our attention to dinner. Was it Pony’s for food or somewhere else? Keep in mind, Fitzgibbons, Mile 303, and the Shirt Factory, were all months to a year from serving their first drinks. We had also just eaten at Zambistro a week prior. With limited options, we decided to try out the Mexican restaurant everyone had told us about. Friday night without a reservation, what could go wrong?
Of course, Mariachi de Oro was packed. Feeling defeated we got to the front and asked a familiar face (though we hadn’t met outside of social media yet) about the wait time. “Scott, Alix, I’ll have your table in one minute.” What?!?! Edgar knew we had just moved home and informed us this was our welcome home dinner. Our feeling that we had lost the evening turned into one of our most memorable experiences.
While our decision to move home has been filled with challenges, it’s also given us many highs. As the summer wraps up, we’ve vowed to each other that changes will come. Priorities will shift and the dating couple reputation we built will be a strong focus. Blogging will likely continue to take a backseat, but hopefully we can share photos of what we’re doing on other platforms for those following our ride.
Three years ago, I would’ve never thought this amount could happen. Marrying my favorite person, homeownership, horses, the loss of our dear Ivan and then meeting Cado, a coffee shop/cocktail bar, and so many memories. Thinking back to the first month we spent in Medina, I’m still glad Alix made this video.
Thanks to everyone who makes our hometown such a wonderful place, cheers to 3 years!