Ink and Influencers: AKA “Me Time”

I have great friends. The best family a girl could ask for. And don’t even get me started on Scott because nothing I’ve ever done in this life is deserving of such an incredible husband.
But lately, at this risk of sounding corny and ridiculous, the relationship I have with myself has suffered dreadfully with all the other MUSTS of the day. I MUST finish grading, planning, teaching. I MUST manage the team at the Factory, the menus, the marketing. I MUST adult around the house, ensuring the laundry room contents do not spill out into the rest of the upstairs. I MUST feed and walk the dog, and beyond that give quality time and attention that Cado deserves. I MUST make sure Scott knows he is a priority and that my family hears from me as often as possible. Though many of these things are those I enjoy, it leaves little time to do anything that doesn’t fall under the category of MUSTS.
Guys, I don’t even have children. How in the world does any woman juggling career and family do it?? **Hats off to you, btw.**
So on Sunday when a woman as talented as Gina Mattioli invites me to lose myself in a few hours of selfish creativity – you take it. Gina and I now have been friends for over 2 years, as she was the first vendor we booked for our wedding. In fact, she was the entire reason Scott and I set a date. But I am thinking that deserves its own post. So more on that later.
Gina is the boss babe behind Gina Marie Calligraphy and works wonders as a modern calligraphy. She designed our wedding invitations, calligraphed all of our envelopes, and then lettered all of the signage at our wedding (which currently have new purpose as wall decor in our house). I’ve been working on modern calligraphy for the last 5 years, but with pens only and not true ink and nibs. I took a workshop with Gina earlier this year and she literally had me ditching my brush pens for the real thing. On Sunday, I ventured out to the new Loft at Musejar in East Aurora for an incredible joint workshop featuring Gina’s calligraphy and Alyson’s (owner of Rust Belt Love) artistic eye. The result was three hours of the best “me time” I’ve had this year.
The Loft at Muse Jar is bright, airy, and radiates potential creativity. Bathed in white, it’s a metaphoric canvas which was not only welcoming but inspiring. Subtle rustic touches ground the space and I’m already planning on a complete kitchen rehaul on the farm to incorporate elements I swooned over at the Loft. Not a single detail was missed in executing the proper aesthetic befitting a workshop for creatives, and kudos for the ambiance should be given to the Event Stylist Nicole Dire and Sara from Beck & Forth Co. It was like walking into a model home and trying desperately to commit every small detail to memory to replicate later.
Before our class, we were spoiled with an incredible spread, featuring sugar cookies by Oh My Goodies Bakery, pastries from Romeo’s Bakery, a mimosa bar with champagne from the Premier Group, and a stunning cake to ogle and photograph by Kali’s Cakes. Outside of a 90 minute swedish massage and a facial, this was exactly what my soul has needed for months.
In addition, I finally had the chance to meet the event photographer, Caitlin of Reilly Photography. Ooooooh how good it feels to wax poetic about cameras, lenses, editing and workflow in Lightroom!! Caitlin recently visited the Shirt Factory, but also has been the photographer for a few of our friends as of late. Her work is absolutely breathtaking, and Scott and I are hoping she will visit us again in Medina on the farm for some winter photos…
Gina and Alyson each gave our group an hour of instruction on the basics of modern calligraphy and botanical sketching. I know Gina is more pleased with me than Alyson, as I don’t have a LICK of sketching talent in me. If I could have her all to myself for a few days, MAYBE I’d show some promise, but it’s incredible the amount of talent that pours from her pencil when it hits paper. I was far more confident in calligraphy having practiced for years, but Gina still makes it look absolutely effortless. Either way, I never give myself the time just to be creative for ME. Yesterday I was surrounded by other women who are so gifted in writing and marketing (hi Sam! Hi Lindsay! Hi Sarabeth!) and whom I’ve been acquainted with for years since moving back to WNY. To sit with them, sip on mimosas and indulge in the day felt not only like a privilege, but a necessity. Hopefully this just means that more days to enjoy are around the corner, because that one felt good. (Thank you Gina for randomly appearing at Maizal and putting this on my radar! Was so good to see you, as always!! For those of you interested in her upcoming workshops for beginners, here is a good one to start, or take a look at her entire lineup!)