Free at Last! (AKA Summer Break Begins)

Teaching is my life, my heart, the very blood in my veins runs for education. But that doesn’t dismiss the sweet taste of freedom that is now upon me – at 2:40 today, I am a free woman!
I’m not exactly free as the Factory is needing my time and attention, but thankfully with a full staff (first time in the entire time we’ve owned it!! MAJOR victory) I can concentrate on whipping Fox Cross into shape.
Things I am looking forward to this summer?
WRITING. Yeah, like this. I’m rusty and the words aren’t coming to me as they used to, but the more I write the better I’ll feel and the easier it will be. Inspiration breeds more inspiration, so one must start somewhere.
WINE TASTING – It’s been all cocktails for awhile now, so Scott and I are dusting off our NYS and Canadian wine maps and hitting the road. After all, Scott’s first passion was wine, so why not? Anyone had anything good lately?
PHOTOGRAPHY – I broke down and after saving pennies for years, upgraded cameras just a couple weeks ago. I am dying to feel the creative energy flow with my camera in hand, and I have so much to learn with this new one. Can’t wait for all of the farm, goat, and cocktail photos to amass.
RIDING – We’ve been home for almost 3 years now, and I have YET to get back in the saddle. And Scott’s rescue horse, Raev, we’ve never ridden. It’s time to dust off the saddles and trail ride. Ride off into the sunset, literally?
HOME RENOVATIONS – Maybe not dramatic changes, but in the past two years since we purchased the farm, we’ve done very little to make it our own. No better time like the summer, and I’m ready to cleanse and purge all the STUFF that has accumulated. Anyone catch our Instagram story from yesterday? Old couch, be gone!
POOL TIME – With the disaster that was last summer, we didn’t even open the pool, one of my favorite features of Fox Cross in the summer. So this year, I’m going to work hard to turn it into my little oasis. If I don’t make it out to the pool every fair weather day, I’m doing something wrong…
SISTERLY BONDING – My sister is joining us for the summer on the farm! No kid can make me laugh like she does, and even though I think Scott and Adrienne get along better than any two people I know (seriously, they are clones of each other) we are going to have a fantastic time playing Threes Company this summer. I’m flying to Texas this weekend to begin our road trip home. CANNOT WAIT.
WASHINGTON, DC – It’s been a year since Scott and I got away together to our city (it will ALWAYS be our city, and hey! Universe!! I’m throwing it out now that eventually we live there again?? Retirement?? Sooner, please?) and so we plan on making a quick work trip Scott has into an extended play visit for us. DC, stay tuned!
Ok, teachers, what are you all looking forward to this summer?? And yes, you’re all invited to my little oasis by the pool ;)
A special note: Scott’s father, Tom Robinson, is retiring today after 34 years serving the Medina Central School District as a high school guidance counselor. We are so proud of all the work he has done and the time he has invested in our alma mater and we are excited for him to begin this next adventure. Happy Retirement!!