Happy Birthday, Scott!!! *and the 32 reasons he is one cool dude*

Today is Scott’s 32nd birthday (sorry babe, put you on blast – but age is just a number, as you always say…) and he was in charge of writing his own post. But alas, the man had no words last night, and so I let him off the hook.
What he didn’t know was that I planned all along to put this out, whether or not he authored his own. And though when I met Scott, his limitations on PDA and waxing poetic about lovey stuff were rigid, he has loosened in his old age. Therefore, you will all have to swallow some serious cheese while I give Scott a very public and deserving birthday post.
In no specific order, here are the 32 things that I adore about this incredible man.
- His quirky style. Blue and orange saddle shoes? He’s got em.
- Giant. Dimples. ‘Nough said.
- How much he loves Ivan (and Miah). On his first visit to Syracuse to see me 3 years ago, he brought them toys. Warmed my heart for life.
- He gets up early every day just to bring me coffee in bed and so I get a little more sleep.
- He remembers EVERYTHING you say. Double edged sword….
- How much he adores talking sports with his Dad, which conversations can last hours.
- He calls his Mom on the way to work most mornings.
- How highly he speaks of his family, and how much he would sacrifice for their happiness.
- He watches the news every morning, and keeps me aware of the events of the world.
- There is a baseball bat under our bed. Just in case…
- When I sent him a picture of Ivan and the foster puppy this past summer, I received a text that read “Did we just adopt another dog? If you and Ivan want him, he’s ours.”
- They way he proposed. Read the story on that here.
- His love of all things food. He loves baking, cooking, grilling, mixology. Oh, and eating it.
- Introducing me to fine wine and an appreciation for it.
- He is as goofy as the day is long, and we are constantly living our life from one fit of laughter to another.
- Always opening the car door for me.
- Motivating me to get back to the gym – not because of looks, but because he wants me healthy.
- Reading the books he knows I will geek out talking about.
- Loving Christmas more than anyone I know – including a 5 year old kid.
- His spontaneity.
- How much love he shows my family, and how he treats them as an extension of his own.
- Giving me time and space to fall back in love with ‘love’. Didn’t take long.
- Making me guacamole – as often as I want….
- Being the most optimistic and kindhearted man I have ever known.
- Constantly giving to charity.
- Always expressing interest in my classroom and my students, and knowing them by name after only one mention.
- His eclectic taste in music.
- How much he values film, and has allowed me the opportunity to show him all of my favorite classics.
- Gifting me an original copy of Gone With the Wind on the first night we “re-met” after 10 years.
- Taking me on a million romantic date nights, and loving the romance.
- His artistic ability that runs fathoms deep.
- That gorgeous 6’5 frame. ;)
That was too easy. And I hope that he lives to 500 because I could give you another 468 reasons, and I can’t wait to do so.
Scott, if there was ever a person I wished I could be, it would be you. You are kind, genuine, and truly the most amazing man I have ever known. I can’t wait to see what this year holds in store for us, and put in motion all of our biggest dreams.