A Holiday Weekend Recap

Scott and I polished off Thanksgiving dinner last night. Lord, do we love leftovers.
This year Scott and I remained in Virginia while the rest of our family made merry in Western New York. Always sad to not be part of the celebration, but it didn’t stop us from enjoying our traditional Thanksgiving dinner and a whole lot of Christmas joy.
Thursday was all about the kitchen. As we wrote about last week, we abandoned our Rebel Thanksgiving of 2014 and went full-on with traditional turkey, stuffing, potatoes, squash, and broccoli casserole. And my shining moment of the day was a homemade pumpkin pie, which actually tasted pretty darn good, if I do say so myself.
Oh, and did anyone catch the Macy’s Day parade? If so, I’m sure you saw my FAVORITE float. Oh, avocados. How I love thee.
Though we had lofty goals of setting our tree up on Thursday night, the food-induced coma found us under blankets on the couch as I watched Die Hard for the first time. My thoughts? Yippee kai yay mother – ……. :)
The tree went up on Friday morning, and though we desperately wanted a real tree this year, we will only be in town for 3 weeks before heading north, and didn’t want our poor tree to go dry before our return in January. Besides, I’m notorious for leaving my tree up will into the bleak mid-winter, so we put the fake up and enjoyed the lights anyway. Ivan was an integral part of the process, and earned himself the title of Overseer.
The rest of the weekend was spent shopping, eating, and overall holiday merriment. We were pleased to see dog cookies of the season at The Dog Park in Old Town, and Ivan was thrilled with our purchase. We are also well into our collection of Christmas movies, and retain our cable subscription for ABC Family and the 25 Days of Christmas. Love, love, love it.
The season flies by so quickly, and so December is about really slowing down and taking deep breaths. We are excited to be home in a few weeks, but until then we will sit in the evenings and enjoy the glow of the Christmas tree and the beauty of a happy, sleeping pup.
Happy December, all.