Welcome to the Tiki Lounge – Bookalokal Event

Ok, so you see the word ‘bookalokal’ and if you are anything like I am you’re running “bookalooka” over and over in your head. And then you catch the actually spelling and the double k and things are starting to make sense. Book. A. Lokal. I’m an English teacher so I can appreciate this.
Bookalokal is the newest thing to hit DC – and you should be on it ASAP.
Last week, we were invited to attend one of the most fantastic exepriences we have had to date – a class and food experience called “Welcome to the Tiki Lounge” offered by Marshall, a DC resident and a pro spirits enthusiast. The event was organized through Bookalokal, which is a network that originated in Brussels and has gained so much popularity that it has made its way across the water and into our backyard. Bookalokal is designed to give real people who love to share culinary experiences the opportunity to do so in their own environment while meeting new people. So if you have an area of expertise, as Marshall has in spirits and cocktails, you can sign up to host a group (the number is entirely up to you) and share your culinary prowess.
It might sound sketchy at first – cooking for strangers in your own home – but Bookalokal sends a rep to vet your plan, try the cusine, and make sure that the home is safe and appropriate for guests, who I know are just as dicey about entering the home of an unknown (*Fun fact – I LOVE creeping on other people’s design and home decor, even if my own lacks in every sense of the word, so checking out the digs is equally fascinating for me*).
So last Saturday, Scott and ventured into DC to Marshall’s home, and discovered not only an adorable townhouse, but the most insane home bar we have EVER seen.
Welcome to the Tiki Lounge was an introduction to all drinks “Tiki” – all while learning about the history of Tiki, the rise of its popularity, and also the stigma which now surrounds the theme and the cocktails. Marshall is an expert, and while crafting the most delectable drinks, we discovered the nuances of Tiki and the originators of the idea. Our hope is that Marshall offers this class again, so we won’t spoil the lesson but we will let you in on our newest favorite cocktails…
The first drink Marshall made was a classic Planters Punch, a fruity and fresh concoction that transports you to a beach in the South Pacific. Its all about the rum in Tiki, as I learned, as well as the fruit and the layers of flavor. I loved the garnishes that accompanied each beverage, and it is entirely up to the artist of the drink what they choose to use. Marshall rolled orange and used a sprig of Jasmine to top this one off, which I am trying to create now at home…
The 2nd drink is the most complex and equally the most dangerous. The Zombie was originally crafted by Donn Beach and from what we were told was often limited to a two drink maximum if ordered out, as the third would find you head down on the bar. I have to admit – the most potent and strong of the group – but after the initial shock wears off, you understand why people would order a third….and a fourth….We were limited to one, so no danger there. And come on – the cocktail glasses??? I had to have the monkey, and since leaving Scott found and purchased a set for us. Love em.
The last drink Marshall offered was a classic Mai Tai, not the mocktail you might order at a cheesy beach bar for a few bucks. This drink was carefully crafted and changed our perception of the cocktail, and was garnished with mint leaves. However, Marshall had a trick up his sleeve and offered a pyrotechnic show on this one, lighting the inside of a halved lime of soaked bread cubes. After the Zombie we were even more impressed :)
We spent several hours perched atop bar stools in Marshall and his beautiful wife Sylvie’s home – talking about cocktails, restaurants, DC, and sharing experiences of all the above. We left satiated (maybe had to walk around the block a few times…) and having made real friends who enjoy the same things we do. That’s the perk to Bookalokal – a perk that at first seems as foreign as finding real love on The Bachelorette (hey now, there IS Trista and Ryan..) Instead of always going out to a bar or lounge for drinks with your date, you can spend the same amount of money and have an experience where you learn AND meet new people. Win win.
Not that Scott and I are professional cooks, but he can make a mean guacamole. We left with the thought of hosting our own Bookalokal event, as Marshall really allowed us to experiment and fall in love with Tiki, an opportunity we’d loved to pass on with our own personal passion.
And as a HUGE BONUS, Bookalokal is now offering our readers a 10% discount when you use the code DCMINUTE at checkout (valid until 7/30/14 !!). All you have to do is sign up for an account and book your first class. We highly recommend anything Marshall has to offer, (we want to attend Home Bartending Basics as well) but I just perused the new offerings and I’m salivating just trying to decide what’s next. Additionally, if you refer a friend, both parties benefit with credits – look for our tweets and Facebook messages on twitter, or send us a message with your email!
Thanks again Marshall for sharing your passion and expertise with us!