#TBT Dating Our Life Relationships 101 #TBT – Valentine’s Day Memories This weekend is a momentous one for us for several reasons. 3 years ago I surprised my new February 11, 2016Read more
Lists Our Life Fundamental Differences They say that opposites attract. And while I am inclined to believe that true opposites would never be February 28, 2015Read more
Dating Our Life Secret Single Behavior There is an old Sex and the City episode where Carrie talks about her “SSB – Secret Single November 21, 2014Read more
Dating Lists Relationships 101 10 Things to Do on Every Date Last night, Scott and I took a trip into the city for a Tuesday date night. As we October 8, 2014Read more
Dating Lists Our Life Relationships 101 “Are you having kids?” We don’t have children, so parents out there – feel free to call us crazy while reading this. September 15, 2014Read more
Dating Lists Relationships 101 11 Topics to Discuss Before Marriage I’m becoming more convinced by the day that a memo went out to all of our friends informing August 20, 2014Read more
Our Life The Summer Apart: Things We Missed 2 days left, people. Then Scott and I will be back in the same area code. It’s been August 7, 2014Read more
Dating Our Life The Ubiquitous “We” When I was jilted and single, the thought of ever entering another relationship that resulted in discarding the July 16, 2014Read more