Farewell, ’24

Is it obvious yet what I’ve resolved in 2025?
Before I could even sit and write, I got caught looking through our archives – 11 years of memories are captured and preserved on this little corner of the Internet. Scott and I defined our relationship on this blog, recording our adventures and making the place to sing the praises of places and people we love to support.
9 posts exist here to remember 2024. That’s it. I kicked off the year with “The One with All the Resolutions,” and before you ask I’ll tell you that I did ok with two or three but failed miserably on the rest. And that’s ok. Because the one that I cared the most about was being with my little family, adventuring just the three of us. And adventure we did.
Before I forget what happened and the little moments of 2024 blur into the rest, here is a round up of the most beautiful ways we spent our year:
My 40th Birthday Trip:
40 can be a bit scary, so instead of retreating to bed and pulling the covers over my eyes, we embraced the occasion and headed to South Carolina and then DC for a proper celebration. Just the time with my sister and her family was enough, but they spoiled me rotten and made it a birthday I’ll never forget.

The Buffalo Zoo:
I never thought I would spend my life as an adult becoming friends with the snakes at the Buffalo zoo, but here we are. I’ve spent more time watching Penny the cobra than I care to admit, and crying real tears at the passing of our favorite gorilla Koga. When Roux turned 2, we bought passes for the year and Roux was gifted another year from his grandparents for year #3. This year we had a chance to visit during Zoomagination – and whoa. Transformative. I love seeing Roux run around the property, greeting animals by name and talking about them between our visits. It’s a small zoo but we are so thankful for the work that they do to give our community this experience.

Dining and Dating:
We will never get back to our pre-baby life in DC, hopping around the city’s hottest spots multiple nights a week. But we DID manage to get out a few times this year (both with Roux in tow and on our own) and it felt good to pick up my camera again when each plate arrived. It’s what I do, it’s who I am, and now I just need more of it in 2025. I’ve also taken the momentum from running a professional kitchen at Shirt Factory and started experimenting and playing in my own kitchen at home. Stay tuned…

Adventures as a Family
Having a child is getting the chance to see the most simple things through the magic of their young eyes. Every adventure, be it in town or miles away, was an opportunity to slow down and feel the magic, too. Niagara Falls, farmers markets, Lake Ontario, local “lighthomes” as Roux calls them – all made life feel so very big. Standout moments? Boxwood at Night was INCREDIBLE with him, as was our trip to Hamburg to visit the Festival of Lights last month. And don’t get me started on driving through Medina to look at holiday lights and play at State Street Park in the snow. And speaking of snow – our first snow photo of the season was as perfect as was the second when Roux made his first snowman.

Farm Life:
It’s been EIGHT YEARS since we moved home, guys. EIGHT YEARS since I left DC, slightly kicking and screaming. We knew deep in our hearts it was the right thing to do, but the clicking of my heels on the pavement is a sound that ignites and inspires the creative in me. Trade that sound for the slush of my barn boots as they sink into feet of mud several months of the year, and that didn’t quite fill the void. But something happened this year – not sure how to put my finger on it, but the farm turned from burden to blessing. The drafts in this old house became an opportunity for mending, not a cause for fleeing. The pool, the pond, the gardens and pastures – I am planting more than just seeds on this farm. I’m beginning to let dreams grow alongside these plants and I have never been happier to call this place home. If I had to guess, it’s watching Roux grow on this land the same way I did. It’s living deja vu, in the best possible way.

There are obviously painful memories that will surface when we recall 2024, and sadly I won’t be able to categorize this one in my top 10. I am on an emotional and physical journey in 2025 to help balance that, but I’m thankful to be able to move forward and strive for better in this new year. We wish you all nothing but peace, health, and love in 2025.