Rabbit Rabbit…is it really July?

Wasn’t it just January? Weren’t we just driving back from South Carolina in April? Alix and I sat in awe over how quickly May flew by, and now tomorrow is already the 4th of July? If there is any truth to the superstition that saying “rabbit rabbit” will bring you a month of luck, I have one request – slow down!
If it’s almost time to fire up the grill and celebrate Independence Day, then the middle of July will be here in no time. Then it’s only a short sprint to August, and we’ll be talking about fall soon. Nearly 12 years ago, I gave Alix a first edition copy of Gone with the Wind. Inside the front cover was a note – my pitch at wooing her. The note included a line from a former employer; someone a couple of years from retirement. He said, “As you get older time seems to move faster, so focus on the little moments.” Here we are, I now believe June was the fastest month of my life and I’m making a list of little things I want to do before I’m saying “rabbit rabbit” on the morning of August 1.
It’s time for a bonfire – We’ve been piling sticks and other burnable items for a while. It’s time to relax with s’mores and do something we’ve talked plenty about for the last 5 years.
Meet us for a sno-ball? Ditch the idea of snow cones and visit NOLA Concessions (Steven’s New Orleans Style Sno-Balls) at the Canal Village Farmers’ Market Friday-Sunday. We couldn’t make it this past weekend, but we’ve been three other times. Roux loves the blue raspberry, in part because it turns his tongue blue. Our advice, make sure to add the “snocap.” If you’re looking for the true taste of summer, it’s called Tiger Blood.

Garden to Table/Glass – Alix is one of the most honest people I know. That said, she’s lying when she claims not to have a green thumb. Not only does she have herbs and edible flowers in multiple spots, but she also has a garden in our backyard that offers us san absolute bounty in the coming months. It’s always exciting when she starts picking things for her new creations. Now that we don’t have menus to prepare at the Factory, we can enjoy some creativity in our own kitchen/bar.

Patio Season – At the very least the rooftop at Zambistro and Shirt Factory patio are on the list of places to visit in July. It’s great that there are so many options in Medina.
Buffalo Zoo – Like any parent, we want to give Roux what he wants. We have also had many discussions about the importance of making family memories. After purchasing a family membership for his second birthday, his grandparents renewed it this year. Undoubtedly, we will make a trip to the Buffalo Zoo in the coming weeks. After rushing to see the gorillas, we’ll wander the other areas to see some of his favorite animals.

Dinner in Buffalo – We have a growing list of new places we want to visit, but returning to some favorites will be first. Waxlight and Black Iron Bystro will be our two next stops. Hopefully both occur sooner rather than later.

Playgrounds, a family picnic, wineries, pool time, more pool time, lots of pool time, and perfecting our homemade ice cream will happen soon, too. Happy summer and here’s to many incredible experiences.
Rabbit rabbit!