Happy 3rd Birthday, Roux!

I’m typing this just shy of 7am – the little nugget foiled my birthday plans when he woke up at 5:30am asking to go downstairs and eat cake.
Apparently kids understand birthdays at this age.
But when I didn’t acquiesce to his demands, he rolled over and went back to sleep, which gave me time to collect all the balloons we stayed up late filling to dump on him at 7:23, the moment he was born exactly 3 years ago.
They say the days are long but the years are short. But I’m here to say it’s all short – every single day flies by and blurs into the next, and one day you wake up expecting to see your baby and in his place is this little boy. And as everyone reminds me, blink once and he will be 30, not 3. So today I’m going to look at his perfect face and take in every moment (not unlike every other day) and know that this moment is the youngest he is ever going to be.
It’s 4pm now, and Roux has had the most wonderful day. More balloons than you can imagine, birthday pancakes for breakfast, all of his friends singing to him at Bookie this morning at the library with Miss Tricia, and we even snuck in our annual birthday photoshoot before nap.

The rest of tonight I’m just going to watch our most beautiful babe play with his new toys and relish in the fact that he’s ours – so thankful to witness him grow, even if it does mean he’s no longer that brand new baby in my arms.

Roux Honor, you kind, funny, intelligent little soul – we love you with our whole hearts. Happy Birthday, my love.