Happy November

Cue Barry Manilow’s “When October Goes”. Just like that, autumn days are waning as the rest of the leaves change and snow looms in the forecast. We’ve spent our September and October days like never before – enjoying our son. Scott and I always wonder how we managed to do it all – work our full time jobs, run our own business, take care of the farm and all of the animals that call it home. All of those things seemed so time consuming until we had Roux. Now we have taken a step back to watch in wonder this little human grow, reveling in how much seems to change overnight. On one hand it feels as if we’ve lost time, but never have I felt more grateful for it. I fully realize the importance of clinging to every day and not wasting a minute with my family.
My family. What an amazing sound. With the arrival of Roux, here we are. A family.
But November is here and you know I am married to Mr. Christmas. Hallmark movies have started and he’s recording every single one, and this week 102.5 started Christmas music so I’ll be damned if I can get him to have a conversation in the car without being distracted by the radio. He wants to decorate this week and is planning his first major snow photo of the season. So in an effort to properly say goodbye to our first fall as a family before the holidays descend on Fox Cross at Scott’s request, here is a look back at how we spent our last few months and things that we look forward to in November:
Apple Picking at LynOaken Farms – Can you believe that last year was the first time either of us EVER apple-picked? True. This year we knew we had to make a return to the scene of the crime and give Roux his first experience at LynOaken. Something about having a kid makes you want to embrace the seasons and enjoy everything just a little bit more.
Dinner at Harvest – WHAT. A. LONG. TIME. COMING. Seriously. And I am not talking just about waiting and watching every major improvement at Bent’s Opera House, but we had our FIRST DATE without Roux. Thankfully Roux had a night with Scott’s parents so we could enjoy what many have realized over the last few months: the magic that is Harvest. This will get its own post soon, but we are still relishing in an evening that we cannot believe was in our hometown. Medina never ceases to amaze.
Roux’s First Halloween – Ya’ll knew it was coming. Our little guy was nothing short of perfect in his very first Halloween costume. I’ve never cared much for Spooky Season, but this year I played along because, well…. Roux. That thing we said above about embracing seasons, yada yada – that applies to this, too.
And coming up….
Fall Trip to a Winery – Scott is a broken record and I have heard DAILY that we are going to a winery in the next week. We missed venturing out on the trail last year because, well, pregnancy. So this year we are taking Roux and stopping at one of our favorites. Stay tuned.

Parade of Lights – After last year’s drive-thru event (Yay Medina for keeping the spirit alive!) we are thrilled that Parade of Lights and Olde Tyme Christmas returns to downtown. We are already getting our team excited about decorating for the holidays at the Shirt Factory and how much fun that day is in Medina.
Lights on Fox Cross – Scott and I both love returning home at night to see the house illuminated in the distance. Last year we failed on getting the lights on the bushes before all lights were SOLD OUT everywhere, so we are ordering today and plan on a lighted farm scene soon.

First Snow Photo – If you have followed us for any amount of time, you know that Scott lives for the first snow of the season (and every major snow event thereafter). He has pretty much done it all, but he is thrilled to welcome Roux into his winter madness and snow fun. Scott might not ever be appropriately dressed, but I can assure you Roux will. Mama says so.
So welcome, November. And now I have to go find Scott who has disappeared to pull down Christmas decorations. Guess we aren’t waiting to decorate after all…