I should have written a New Year’s post when I still had overwhelming optimism for 2020. 

And then there was Iran. And Australia. And Kobe & Gigi. And earthquakes in Puerto Rico.  And my entire heart and soul is praying for health for a colleague and Medina friend who has been diagnosed with a heartbreaking situation. Cancer is scary and sad and has consumed too many of our family and friends. Marnie – we see you and love you and we have your back in this. <3 Your fight is our fight and we’re in it to win. 

fuckcancer-1The past month has dealt the world too many blows. But in our small little corner of this small little WNY town, we ARE hopeful. Scott and I have taken the news of all of these tragedies and have wallowed in the depths of them. Felt every inch and every ounce of them. You see, we don’t see our impact as being limited to what we know and where we live. We feel the pain of those in Australia and we ache for the family of ones who were lost too soon. It’s our jobs to be citizens of the world, to feel for everyone, everywhere. 


When I lost a dear friend and mentor, I was broken. I am broken by his loss. It has been two years since our village said goodbye to this man, and I am not nearly over the grief. But if he taught me anything, it is to live every day with his words reflected in my actions, “Kiddo, in this world there are often problems that are unsolvable, but you do the best you can.”  I hear you, Mr. Southworth. 

So today, Scott and I have resolved to continue to do what we can. To try harder. To be kinder. To reach out to those who need a helping hand. It doesn’t matter the action, how great or how small, but that you choose to execute it. Please, please, please – when you are irritated at the long line in the grocery store – have patience. When the food order is not correct, be understanding.  When you are running late and the person in front of you is moving at the speed limit and not a single MPH over, for the love of all that is good in this world – calm down and slow down.  Count your blessings tonight and tell your kids, your parents, your friends that you love them.

Be better. Be kinder. We are all going through something.

The end. 
