7 Reasons Why Blogging is So Difficult

It’s not news that we have *somewhat* majorly fallen off the blogging train. But in our defense, our life in DC was wildly more compatible with the time necessary to run and maintain a full-time blog. In those days, our little baby, our brainchild was DC Minute. We used it as a means to explore that gorgeous city (hey, DC! Alexandria!! We see you, we miss you, and we talk about you every single day) and push ourselves to our creative limits. These days, whatever feeble creativity we can muster after working two full time jobs is poured into the Factory. Thus, DC Minute took a sad back burner to the chaos that is our life.
I bought a journal. This beautiful, purple linen, limited edition (*read: fell victim to the marketing of said planner and caved, spent too much*) and the extra pages boasted “GOAL SETTING”. Hell, I need goals! Planner, where you at? Fix my crazy life! And on the first page of 2020 goals, I penned “blog”.
That. Is All.
We have lost almost 2 years on this blog to life. Doing dishes at the Factory at 12am. Designing menus in between conference calls. Running out to the barn to check water and hay before heading in to the Factory to make simple syrup before the bar opens. Writing event pages on Facebook while editing The Crucible literary analysis essays. Guys. For real. This has been the grind.
So we thought we would share with you the reasons that blogging has been so difficult, and hope that you’ll forgive us for what you are about to see:
- 5 horses and pitching stalls leaves little time for relaxing…
2. Investing a great deal of time and money in home renovations on Fox Cross…ya know, the lawn, the pools, the house..
3. Attending to the needs of our families….
4. Trying to ready ourselves before Christmas madness ensues…
5. Taking proper care of a high needs, high anxiety, hearing impaired rescue pup…
6. All those papers that need grading…
7. And of course, Shirt Factory…
OK, so maybe we’ve taken these two years to enjoy the life we’ve been fortunate enough to live here on Fox Cross. And we’re not sorry that blogging took a back burner to living. But we’re back, and we’re here, and we’re REALLY excited to write about Medina, and life, and travel.
Dc Minute, 2020. It’s going to be a good, good year.