Dear Cado, From Ivan

Dear Cado,
Now that Mom and Dad have signed the papers and are officially yours, I felt it was time that I give you the secrets to life on Fox Cross. You’ve spent the last 3 weeks learning the space, but now I’m here to help you make the most of it, and to understand the craziness that is our parents.
You never met me, and perhaps we will be best friends in the future (yeah, that rainbow bridge thing? Not scary at all…) but before we get our chance to frolick, you should know that I was Mom’s first. Her first kid, her first true love – all that gushy stuff. And it’s because I’ve watched her smile disappear and her spirit fade since I left that I now wholeheartedly welcome you to bring that smile back. Everything about her life makes more sense when she has us on her lap at night, and though I know she misses me every day, I couldn’t be happier that you have found each other.
So, Cado, after almost 13 years of living with Mom, and 6 years of knowing Dad, I present to you my unsolicited but incredibly important advice for becoming the newest man of the house:
- Well, that’s the first one. YOU ARE THE MAN of the house. Dad thinks he is, sweet guy, but we hold complete sway over the human world. And in return, the least you can do is protect it. I’ve heard you use your mouth a bit and are rather vocal – GOOD BOY! Keep it up. Mom and Dad knew that when I barked, they needed to listen. So use your barker but don’t become the dog that cried stranger. It gets old.
2. Mom loves bed. Like, more than any dog I know. If she could, she’d make a career out of snuggling and relaxing in bed with you to classic movies and multiple cups of coffee. We spent countless hours just wrapped up together under the covers, loving life. Oh, you lucky dog. You’re gonna love that (Cary Grant and James Stewart are my favorites, but she’ll make you watch Gone With the Wind more than once. Just fall asleep, she’ll never notice). So more than anything, get used to that, especially on Sundays, when Mom forces Dad to hang out for movies and family cuddle time.
3. Since we’re on the topic of bed, you need to make sure you remain in good graces. Don’t spread out too much, it’s cute for a little while, but it’ll get old. They’re going to eventually buy you beds for different rooms, so don’t be surprised if your spreading out is followed by a nudge. Curling up in an adorable ball always works best.
4. Something you should know about Dad, and with the season around the corner – the man LOVES THE HOLIDAYS. Almost as much as Mom loves bed. They start watching Christmas movies in October and it’s full on holiday mode until about February. But Dad? He’s a fanatic. The whole house transforms and it’s so pretty. And get this: once you are part of the family you get your own stocking! And half of our Mom’s presents are really for us anyway, so we really make out around the holidays. Just prepare yourself, because you’ve never seen two people lavish holiday spirit on their fur kids the way they do.
5. Now, people assume that with 24 acres of farm, we just run around. But I’m telling you – walks are key. And it’s pretty easy to train them to exactly where and when you want to go for your ride. Every night, Mom and Dad would bundle us all up and ride into Medina to walk the streets in town. Oh, the smells!! What fun! You need to mind your manners and keep walking with your gentle leader (and we scary-looking big dogs get the funniest looks, it’s awesome!)
6. The StarMark intelligence toy? I was obsessed. So was Miah, and you will be too. Give it time, it’s not that hard. And even though I heard you can’t hear at all, Miah lost the use of her back legs and could STILL work that toy. So don’t let me down.
7. So, you’re the king of the farm, but all of the other animals make Fox Cross home, too. Be nice to the cats outside, and Casper will love on you for life. He thinks he’s a dog, but he’s not that lucky. And the horses? Mom and Dad will let you help with chores every day, but make sure you are careful and quiet around the ponies. And Mom gave me Wizard – he’s the big gray one. He’ll let you lick his face as long as you want.
8. When Mom or Dad are eating, don’t beg, be present. If you’re in the general area, they’re going to feed you. When it comes to snacks there are two things you need to learn to love: popcorn and crackers. Mom loves popcorn, but Dad eats crackers like it’s a race. While you won’t be able to hear the sound of the plastic wrapping, just follow him every time he goes into the kitchen. The odds are in your favor.
9. Learn how to take good photos. I regularly heard how good I was at this. Mom will take a lot of photos, and often several in one sitting. Be prepared. If you get good at this, there will be more treats coming your way.
10. The last thing, and it’s the most important piece of advice I can share with you, keep Mom and Dad happy. If you’re lucky, they’re going to love you half of how much they loved me. Trust me, that’s a lot. So, when either of them gets home run to the car. When you wake up in the morning give them kisses. When they throw a blanket on the couch jump up between them and cuddle up. I know I meant a lot to them, and now it’s your turn to watch over them as much as they’ll watch over you.
Good Luck on the Farm, Cado. Give Mom and Dad kisses for me.