Honeymooning on Fox Cross

Oh, Hello World!
After a week and a half of a self-imposed homestead honeymoon (which included AMPLE time at the pool with tiki drinks and my avocado float…) we are returning to the living world where work, schedules, and responsibility awaits us.
But the honeymoon is far from over…
As it turns out, marriage is so much more than a piece of paper. Since our wedding, day, EVERYTHING has changed. For the better. Our relationship was always amazing, but there is a new and exciting element of being married that has skyrocketed the way way we interact all day long. We both play with our wedding rings constantly, and the opportunity to say “husband” and “wife” is endless.
One of the most difficult things since the wedding has been responding to the outpouring of love and good wishes. The cards, emails, texts, messages on Facebook and Instagram, surprise packages – all of it has been more than we can handle and it would take years to write back. We are trying, but we just needed to let everyone know that we are so grateful for the love. Seriously, SO grateful.
Now the attention has turned from wedding planning to classroom planning, as I return to the classroom this fall after taking off the first year at home. My soul was not satisfied without students, and so I am lesson planning and designing my classroom from sun up to sun down, and couldn’t be more thrilled.
We are also making strides at turning this house into a home. It is still a little wedding-centric, but in time we will decorate and renovate to suit our tastes. And on the house front, we have been told that we close OFFICIALLY in less than two weeks – so Fox Cross is almost completely ours!!
So many amazing things are happening, and though normal people spread these major life events out over the course of several years, we are packing all this change into a few short months. In his vows, Scott said that he never wanted a life of contentment – we would have a life of extraordinary.
And we do.
Thanks again to all of you for showing us your love and support – cheers to the next chapter of DC Minute – the married couple….