Our Life Honeymooning on Fox Cross Oh, Hello World! After a week and a half of a self-imposed homestead honeymoon (which included AMPLE time August 29, 2017Read more
Our Life I’m Dating a Married Man Guys – it finally happened. After 5 years together and 22 years of knowing each other, Scott and August 22, 2017Read more
Our Life Wedding Plans Our Save the Date Video, Revealed! It was while I was upstairs this morning washing woodwork, listening to music, that I felt compelled to July 27, 2017Read more
Our Life When Are You Getting Married?? Oh that. Right. About that… If you recall, after spending a few months on the farm last summer June 9, 2016Read more
Our Life Things To Do - DMV Wedding Plans Engagement Pictures: Alexandria, VA So a couple weeks ago, we posted about our hometown farm engagement shoot. However, as we adore our March 16, 2016Read more
Medina, NY Our Life Wedding Plans Engagement Pictures: Medina, NY It’s been awhile since we have mentioned the wedding here, and though we have decided to put off February 23, 2016Read more
Wedding Plans Wedding Jitters I’ve never liked weddings. There. I said it. And for those of you who don’t know my sordid May 28, 2015Read more
Dating Our Life If I had a million dollars….I’d have a wedding! Engaged! DC Event Recap No doubt the wedding industry is a fun one. Seldom in life are you allowed to throw one March 2, 2015Read more