The one you’ve been waiting for! All the details…

This post is ten thousand times harder to write than any other. Where to start? What to say? We flipped a coin on who had to write it. I lost. (Missed the reveal? Check that video out here!)
So, yes, we are moving to New York. But not the city – back to our small town of Medina in Western New York. It’s situated perfectly between Rochester and Buffalo, right on the historic Erie Canal and a few minutes from the shore of Lake Ontario. Bring on the lake effect snow!
Why the move?
I’m sure everyone can appreciate the desire to spend time with parents and family as you get older. Scott and I both grew up in Medina (yes, that infamous 6th grade note in English class sealed our fate) and that means that both families are growing and living just minutes apart. However….
What about your life in DC?
Scott is keeping his job here in the DMV! He has been approved to work remotely from NY, but when we struggled with leaving our past here, it was heartbreaking and we weren’t ready to cut ties to an area that defines us in so many ways. In keeping his role here, we will be traveling frequently to DC, but now we get to enjoy it from a different perspective. Where to eat when we come back? Where to stay? What to visit? It’s exciting to feel like we will still be so involved in life here, and that leads us to….
Are you keeping the blog? What happens to In a DC Minute if you aren’t in DC?
Epic fail on our part when we titled it “DC” minute. However, the idea was never about strictly DC, it was more of a standard or ideal we set as a new couple. The blog to us is a way of keeping current, forcing ourselves out of a comfort zone, meeting new people, exploring new places, and ALWAYS “dating” each other. We have been together for almost 4 years now, and in many previous relationships we both would have found ourselves on the couch most nights of the week. Because of this blog, we have found a million ways to stay active in the area, and with each other. We have decided to keep “In a DC Minute” the name (for now) as we begin to explore what life looks like straddling both areas, and extend that excitement and that concept to wherever we are.
Yo, Al, what about work??
The most upsetting thing about the move is leaving my classroom. I’m in LOVE with my job. In LOVE with my students. And so IN LOVE with being a teacher. However, after a decade in the classroom and exhaustion that they never taught me about in my education at Syracuse, I am looking at this move as a way to rediscover who I am when I am not teacher/mentor/counselor/mother/advocate/friend. I will be focusing 100% now on growing this space, writing and photography, and hopefully soon another huge project in Western New York. Scott and I have been throwing around a few business plans and are excited to share those details soon….
What can we expect to read here now that you are moving?
Now that I will be away from teaching, I’ll be able to accompany Scott on most of his travel trips for work, which is a major development as far as exploring the country goes and satisfying my wanderlust. We will be writing about the blossoming foodie scene in Western New York, and hope to explore our new area to the fullest. We will be writing about all things DC as well, and are planning to take on a few writers to attend media events and dinners on our behalf here in the area. (Interested? Let us know!) Also, about that house…
Where will you live?
In the first few months, we will be living in my childhood home with my Mom on the farm that I spend every summer, and I’m sure you’ve read about in the past. However, as it is a HUGE property, we plan to play with it a bit and eventually purchase the home – a dream come true for us. So, expect lots of DIY/renovation posts in the future when we become full time homeowners.
So, long story short:
We are keeping the blog, expanding it to spend time in both areas, and can’t wait to add travel, family, wedding, eating, drinking, etc. to the scene here. Our layout will change a bit so you can find what you are looking for in both areas, and we sincerely appreciate your readership and support for the past 2.5 years here on the blog. We are thrilled to track all the comedy and complications that arise from a huge lifestyle change (yes, Scott asked me if he could milk a horse – when I said no, he assured me that you can “milk anything with nipples…) and we hope that you will stick around for awhile. We LOVE DC and our home here in Alexandria, and won’t be forgetting what a magical place this is.
We’ll be adding lots of snippets on SNAPCHAT (this is new for us, follow dcminute!) Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and of course, here on the blog.
Questions?? Fire away. We are going to do our very first VIDEO BLOG to answer them all!