News Around Town: Big Fish Coming to McLean Stage

Under the guidance of Artistic Director Amy Poe, and Music Director Bobby McCoy, McLean Theatre Company is bringing the musical Big Fish to the Metro DC area! The production premieres with a special President’s Day preview show, followed by one weekend of shows on February 19-22.
Many of you have probably seen the Tim Burton movie adaptation or even read the novel by Daniel Wallace, and before you go to Broadway for the show you can see it in Northern Virginia. The show centers around Edward Bloom, who guides the audience through a larger than life depiction of his own journeys and adventures. The cast will be highlighted by recent National Young Arts Finalist and nomination as a Presidential Scholar in the Arts, Alex Stone, who will play the role of Bloom. Additionally, recent award recipients, Jack Posey and Rachel Lawhead will take on the rolls of Will and Sandra Bloom.
What: The musical adaption of Big Fish
Where: McLean’s Burks Auditorium
When: February 16 preview show at 2pm
February 19-22 (Thursday-Saturday at 7pm, Saturday and Sunday matinees at 2pm)
Ticket Information: McLean Theatre Company