Florida Recap Part 1: The Gaylord Palms Resort

Let me say this – it’s been a long time since I have been on a true vacation. Going home to the farm is bliss, but it comes with the same territory of the everyday: walking dogs, cleaning stalls, working on taming the property and other types of manual labor. It is a beautiful break from school work, but not exactly vacation.
Scott travels often for work, and is always tempting me to join him. This time I actually jumped at the opportunity, as my brother lives in the Daytona Beach area and we could extend the trip to include a few days with him. Little did I know that my entire family would join in, but seeing as how he planned to propose to his girlfriend, it seemed like the perfect opportunity for our FIRST EVER family vacation. But before we could really play, Scott had some work to do at the Gaylord Palms Resort and Convention Center.
I have stayed at many a hotel in my day, but let me tell you the Gaylord is an entirely different experience. HOLY MOLY. This place is no joke and kept me directionally impaired the entire visit – so big I got lost on the regular. The Gaylord is a domed tropical oasis, complete with lush vegetation, several restaurants, koi ponds and baby gators.
Yeah, the baby gators. What concerned us was WHAT they were planning to feed them….
We stayed in the Key West wing of the hotel, which boasted the full sized boat and several copycat landmarks that begged for a photo op. I also found the perfect t-shirt for Scott…
I spent most of my free time poolside – Scott worked and had meetings while I soaked up the sun. Tough life.
We did manage to get out one night to Downtown Disney, which was incredible. That to come in Part 2 – stay tuned….