Weekend Recap: Tourists in Our City

Scott and I had high hopes for June because we will be spending most of July apart. We posted our top 10 warm weather favorites and wallet friendly ideas, both of which we tried to conquer throughout the month. This weekend we were able to scratch several off the list, and we allowed the moment to sway us and the wind to blow us in new directions.
Friday night was highly anticipated, as we have been trying to find a good time to dine at Oyamel for more than just guacamole and a cocktail. We plan on dedicating a full post to Oyamel, but all in all it was a solid dining experience though we may keep to our guac and cocktail dates at the bar instead.
After dinner we walked through Penn Quarter, canvas tote with blanket in hand, allowing our bellies a chance to breathe before jumping on the train to Rosslyn for my very first movie on the green. In Western New York we frequent the drive-in and use the back of pickup trucks to lay out a picnic (which usually involves a stop at Ed’s – WNYers, can I get a WHAT WHAT!?). This experience was just as entertaining, but lacked that bit of country flair to which I am so accustomed. We laid out our blanket and people-watched for an hour before Two Weeks Notice filled the park and everyone laughed in unison as Hugh Grant and Sandra Bullock delighted. Toward the end of the night I looked over and saw an elderly couple sitting side by side, enjoying every moment of cinematic magic. It made me squeeze Scott’s hand a little tighter…
Saturday morning we enjoyed one of our favorite farmers markets and headed into Eastern Market for doughnuts and some vintage poster shopping. We walked away with a few antique movie posters for our apartment, though we left the veggies in favor of a day walking around the city.
It was a hot morning, and somehow I convinced Scott to walk all the way to the National Mall for the Folk Life Festival. It may have taken a little bribing with the sunscreen I stuck into my purse before leaving the house, as we would have been lobster-red by the end of the day. We only walked about a block hand-in-hand before we were both suffering from sweaty hand syndrome. By the time we reached the Capitol, I was so in awe (again) of the city that Scott suggested a brief tour in the Library of Congress. I don’t remember ever going, so the history buff in me started bouncing off the walls (and a reprieve in AC didn’t hurt). We spent about an hour walking around, but decided that we would return so we could take our time and really enjoy all of the exhibits (and I MAY have forgotten my glasses- #remindersyouare30).
The Folk Life Festival was teeming with people by the time we arrived, and had it not been as crowded and as hot we may have spent the majority of our afternoon on the Mall. We took in the sights and watched an incredible Kenyan tribal dance but were parched and exhausted by late afternoon. We opted to head home for dinner, but not before a detour to the Sculpture Garden Fountain to dip our feet and join the masses for a water show. We left as the spray turned the show into a wet t-shirt contest and we felt we should act our age and retire on home. Left the fun to the kiddos.
Saturday night we took our dinner to the rooftop; a collection of cheese and a mocajete full of Scott’s homemade guacamole. We spent the entire evening up there, snacking and relaxing over great conversation. These are the kind of nights I’ll miss all summer…
Sunday morning we couldn’t pass up on one last brunch together, so Union Street got repeat business of ours this week after our amazing Happy Hour on Thursday. We had brunch with a friend and caught up before heading to the Dog Park for Ivan and Miah’s weekly cookie treats and walking down King Street. Lord I’ll miss this place, even if just for a month.
Sunday afternoon was all about the pool, but even repeat applications of SPF 50 couldn’t keep us from turning a slight shade of pink. Maturity and wisdom on our side, we retreated to shadier climates and settled in for a movie afternoon before making dinner and catching up on other menial household tasks. Even so, we spent the evening laughing and enjoying each others’ company – tasks I’ll look forward to once again when I return in August. What will Scott do when I don’t do his laundry???
June was a busy month, but this was definitely one of my favorite weekends to date. Next weekend we will be at home in NY – stay tuned…