Alix in her garden on our farm. She loves to plant and grow edible flowers.

“One of the most beautiful sounds that I have ever heard is the sound of a beautiful, strong woman’s voice once she has discovered her true worth. She sounds empowered … She sounds confident … but most of all … she sounds free.”

author unknown

What a journey this space has been, what an uncharted adventure through smooth and rough seas. Navigating the beginning of a relationship through career changes, moves, marriage, small business ownership, and parenthood – it’s been a lot.

This isn’t my first blog. I had one long ago, back when I was living a completely different life. I was young, in the first years of marriage in a different state and in the infancy of my career. I turned to the written word to capture the life that my ex-husband and I were building. I chronicled a move home, the start of a new chapter, and very quickly – what happens when you find yourself alone and faced with divorce.

It’s odd that in the throngs of abandonment I found a voice. One that was soon surrounded and lifted up by other women from all walks of life and all corners of the globe. Rallying for me, understanding my heartbreak, keeping me going when I felt weak, helpless, hopeless. I had created a life that was so dependent on a relationship that I had forgotten the power of my own voice, my own dreams, my own life. These women, most of whom I had never met, embraced me in a sisterhood that to this day I credit with redirecting my sails. Oh, the power of women supporting women.

And after I discovered that my worth was not tied to someone else’s acceptance, I became whole. It was only then that I was able to enter into a relationship as an equal and a partner. It is for this reason alone that Scott and I are a marriage of equal minds and our purpose is driven collectively. He championed my decision to create my own name, and to then give that name to our son. He is never threatened by my feminist spirit, and he only seeks to understand how he can further support and aid my cause. He is determined to raise a compassionate and loving son with me – to teach him that equality for all is the ultimate freedom. Today, I feel so grateful to be part of a community of women, of empowered and talented creatives who use their minds and skills to make the world a more beautiful place.

I haven’t written much because I have found myself in the thick of duty and obligation. To our business. To our farm. To our family. And while those excuses are good ones and I’m happy that I can play a part in each of those endeavors, I miss my voice. I miss the community that it reached and the other voices who inspired me back. It’s time to rediscover this place again, to share the beauty in this corner of our world.

Cheers to all the women out there who are discovering who they are and fueling their wildest dreams – let your voices be heard.