Scott’s Top 10 Best Snow Photos

It’s 9:52 pm (always this ridiculous obsession with time now that I have a daily challenge) and we just finished barn chores. It’s freezing and we spent the last hour trying to clean stalls and push the wheelbarrow through over a foot of snow. I had so many ideas for a blog post today, but I’ve got snow on my mind and all I can think about is how we failed to get a good snow photo of Scott today.
It’s not like it didn’t snow for the past 5 years – we just got lazy and posted them straight to social media, completely bypassing the blog. So tonight I am rounding up my all time favorite SNOW PHOTOS of Scott, in a quasi-particular order:
#10: Snow in Downtown Medina

#9: Scott Loves the Bills THIS MUCH

#8: We’re Having a Baby!

#7: Ivan and Scott

#6: The Brunch/Cherub/Josh Allen Prayer Candle Hail Mary Snow Photo

#6: The Sub-Zero Snow Photo (AKA The One Where Alix Made Scott Wear Pants)

#5: The “Farm” Bartender

#4: When Delinquency in Closing the Pool Provides a Perfect Backdrop

#3: It’s a Boy!

#2: Daddy and Roux

#1: The One That Started it All

In January 2015, Scott went out into the courtyard of our Alexandria, VA apartment and sat in the snow. I grabbed my camera and this photo was the result, which catapulted us into 7 years of fun snow photos. Excited to see what the next 7 years bring, and I’m sure we will see many more “Roux and Daddy” snow photos….Cheers, friends.