Is it really September?

I woke up this morning and realized the days are getting shorter. The sun wasn’t shining through the front of our house like it has for months, instead it was dark. As Labor Day approaches, it’s just another sign that cooler weather will soon follow. While we haven’t always been the best at readying ourselves for these coming months – this year will be different.
During our four years in Medina we have resided on a living room floor, closed our pool in a snowstorm, and woke up seeing our breath in our freezing farmhouse. September has been known for creeping up and catching us by surprise. We focus on the waning summer days before Alix has to return to the classroom and our “free time” becomes almost comical. Not this year. We’ve begun making our list of the several things we want to do with the promise to do them.
Our combination of indoor home projects and outdoor fun is our way of combating the negativity that has already surrounded 2020. While we’re finalizing our list, I started going through past photos and stumbled upon some of my favorite fall in Medina moments.
Alix loves the goats. George is one of the celebrities of the property and we’ll probably be showing a lot more of him in the coming months.
Local farms offer a great selection of fall favorites to decorate tables, homes, and every other room we can think of. This is Roberts Farm Market from a couple years ago.
Ale in Autumn 2016! This was our first time being able to participate and our opportunity to really tour our hometown businesses.
Our things to do during the autumn months always includes wine tastings. As I look at our half empty wine rack (early 2020 was tough), I realize we’ll need to make a couple of these trips.
Cocktails and home renovation projects. This room isn’t quite done, but where Alix is standing is now the location of our second wood stove. The cocktail on the bar is a blend of Bourbon, Aperol, Chai Syrup, Lemon, Vermouth, and Mole Bitters. It eventually landed on the 2019 cocktail menu at the Shirt Factory as 11:11.
Let’s be honest – we all love donuts! Becker Farms has this mastered and we can’t wait to get some more.
While many people have to go for a drive to see gorgeous fall foliage, the Erie Canal is one of our favorite destinations. Cado is at his best in cooler weather and it gives us plenty of opportunities for picturesque walks.
September also marks the anniversary of when we officially became the owners of Fox Cross Farm. Our often chilly farmhouse has seen several recent transformations and we’ve loved making it our own.
While we’re still working on getting Cado to love the camera, his time with us began in October 2018.
Finally…snow photos! Whether it’s during halftime of a Buffalo Bills game or during one last swim, I probably get way too much joy from these.
Whether you start fall with the end of August, just after Labor Day, the first day of school, or on September 22, it’s a season full of great memories and things to come. Time to unpack some sweaters.
Happy Labor Day weekend!