Major Milestones on Fox Cross

This past week, we’ve done our fair share of celebrating. Not only has my Mom taken up residence in her new abode, leaving us to our own devices on the farm, but we officially vacated our storage unit.
Big. News.
10 months ago, we were wiping tears of sadness as we said goodbye to our life in DC. The other night, I was wiping tears of joy that we are finally fully moved into our dream house.
Now, our dream house exists in raw form and will require a bit of TLC to get there, but after 10 months of wondering if our move was all for naught and that maybe we would be confined to our one little room in the big house with 3 other people for all eternity, we are getting a dose of what real life can be now that we are King and Queen of this castle.
Oh – and we’re getting married. In like, TWO months. From yesterday, to be exact. I have not loved planning a wedding, and admittedly I have been slacking on all fronts, but I can’t wait to marry this man. Truly can’t wait.
So between the wedding, the house, the storage unit, spending days and nights scrubbing every square inch of this place so we can get settled – it’s been a lot. Major milestones here on Fox Cross Farm, but every day we are getting a little bit closer to making this house our first home.
Happy Tuesday, all.