Long Time, No “Real” Talk

Hello March. Happy St. Patrick’s Day. Happy First Day of Spring! And oops – April 1st is just a few days away. Where has the time gone?
In brief:
We’ve been eating, drinking, mixing, concocting, building relationships with new friends, missing old friends, spending time with family, preparing to BUY A HOUSE, and maybe, just maybe, wedding talk is back on the table.
I accepted a long term sub gig at the end of January and spent a month and a half back in the classroom with amazing people. I knew that my teacher heart was empty and missing the everyday conversation with teenagers, but I was not prepared for the complete mental overload of realizing that I was just not complete without a classroom of my own. I have a nasty habit of forgetting every other aspect of life when I am immersed in lessons and students, and after crying a good cry on my last day with the kids, I am back to reality and to life here on the farm.
Scott and I are just weeks away from calling Fox Cross Farm our own, and we have a million things to do to prepare for this major move. Perhaps we aren’t moving houses, but all of our material life has to be moved from storage, and I need to clear out a few nostalgic corners of this house to make room for future memories.
We have much to share (we’ve been out and about SO much over the last two months and can’t wait to share some of those date nights…) and of course, we have some pretty epic plans for the summer. Cheers to picking my camera up and getting back to writing!
How has everyone been? What are you all looking forward to with the change of the seasons?