How to Get the Girl in 1 Easy Step (AKA – How Scott Won Our First Date)

I give Scott a hard time. Truly, I do.
And though I wish I could apologize, I’m not going to because what he did worked, and worked wonders. Out at dinner with friends the other night, I made a comment (in jest, mind you) about how cheesy and over the top his first gesture was. But he looked right back at me and said, “Whatever, it worked and now we’re engaged.”
So let me tell you this: Scott earned that first date in one easy step. Having been completely absent from my life for the better part of 10 years (and 17 years since the first time he asked me out in 6th grade) he reemerged in a way that immediately got my attention, and then sucked me into that first date that began the best and most amazing love of my life.
He took an interest. An active, unapologetic interest. He left this comment on my Facebook wall and did 3 things right: he mentioned Syracuse basketball, guacamole, and then came right out and took control of the situation by offering his email.
But that wasn’t what secured the first date. Nope, it was cheesier (and unequivocally more impressive) than that.
He made a point to come to my play in Syracuse on the way home to Medina for Christmas. And not only that, when I stepped off stage after curtain call to see that 6’5 man waiting for me in the audience, he gave me a copy of the 1st edition of my favorite book of all time, Gone With the Wind.
Not only THAT – but when I got back to my apartment that night, the first night seeing him after so many years, he texted me and asked me if I found the letter.
No, I hadn’t.
Tucked in the back of the book was a letter, neatly folded. It talked about seizing the day, living with no regrets, taking advantage when life shows up on your doorstep (or in this case, when life shows up to a play in Syracuse). He said that if he never saw me again, he’d be glad that he had the chance to see me on stage and give me that book.
I was scared, a little put off, but most of all RIVETED that a man who I hadn’t seen or talked to for 17 years would take the time to find out enough about me to offer a sweet gesture and leave it at that.
It doesn’t take an antique offering to get the girl. Not at all. But Scott went out of his way to brighten my day, to take an interest, and confidently go after something he had wanted since 6th grade. However, I did feel like I owed him a date after that, so on Christmas night, I gave in and went out with him – and lord am I so glad I did.
That’s it. He took interest. He found out something about me, cared enough to show up. He put himself out there, and he made the first move without ever needing anything in return.
So in the spirit of love and all that other gushy stuff – tell us, how’d you end up with YOUR significant other?