I’m 32. My clock doesn’t tick, and no babies have been born to my immediate family. The nurturing gene seems to have started and ended on dogs and other 4-legged creatures. I have worked with hundreds of hormonal teenagers for the past decade, and have lost sleep over how to interact with a human under the age of 2.
That is, or was, until this past weekend.
There is something about holding a baby for the first time, within a day of his arrival, that can bring even the biggest baby cynic to tears.
World, meet the newest addition to Scott’s family: Noah Daniel.
Noah joins his big brother Jack, who definitely stole our hearts 2.5 years ago, but because we lived in DC, we didn’t have the chance to really get to know him and be a part of his life. However, in the past few days, we have had more time together with Jack and have become even more smitten with this amazing child.
The biggest reason we moved home was for our family. We wanted to deepen relationships, provide support, and be a part of these moments where life is born and memories are created. I think Scott and I both walked away from that hospital after meeting Noah, nodding in silent agreement that we achieved our purpose in moving home.
For now I will be satisfied with holding my nephews, loving on them and learning how to be a better person through their eyes. I can’t wait to steal Jack for a sleepover, read books and do crafts and watch his Uncle Scott toss him in the air as he giggles and begs for more. And I can’t wait to be a part of Noah’s life, watch him as he develops, crawls, walks, talks. It’s exciting, even when it isn’t your own child – that I am learning.
Congrats to the entire family on the arrival of pure perfection – a handsome little boy who has already made us all more complete. To my future sister-in-law and her husband, you two can high-five again on another cute baby! :)