2 Weeks of Friday Minutes: Fall Is Here!

As you may have realized, we didn’t publish last week’s Friday Minutes – life got crazy and travel plans got in the way. So here’s a look at two weeks of articles and posts that we loved reading, and some that made us extra excited for the fall season.
You’ll be able to sift through and find great reviews, things to do, and ideas for fabulous romantic or family dates. It truly allows us to share the best from the blogs we read every day, and hopefully you’ll find a few that will be added to your blogroll as well.
Before we jump in, did you catch these posts from our blog?
Aro Bar de Tapas announces a new fall cocktail menu.
What does 24 hours in DC look like? Take a look at how we spent this week’s roadtrip.
As much as I enjoy reading Liquor.com, I enjoy this article even more. Here’s a look at several ‘first date cocktails’ you should be ordering.
As I mentioned, fall is here! Take a look at the Rochester City Paper for a guide to this season’s events.
USA Today says Buffalo is worth visiting for it’s pizza. Looks like we’re doing some pizza runs soon.
If you’re looking for a ‘Brewcation’, Buffalo Rising has you covered.
For those in Buffalo, here is the fall guide from Step Out Buffalo.
Looking for local beers in Washington, DC that don’t include the word ‘pumpkin’? Washington City Paper can help you out.
Here’s a great article from Washington City Paper asking you whether or not this food trend is annoying or awesome.
Isn’t it great when wine experts aren’t trying to break your budget. The Washington City Paper takes a look at the movement by many in the DC wine business.
Buffalo Rising has us excited as they share the involvement of certain area restaurants in Dining Out for Life.
Yelp Buffalo shows off the top fall activities for the season.
Seize the Weekdays provides a list of 5 local beers (Rochester) you must drink this fall. I guess they pulled our leg, so we should oblige.
Yeah! Buffalo has our mouths watering for chocolate with this interview.
Keeping with the fall theme, here are several links from Tracing Paper on the topic. Thanks for including us, Jessica!
Some Washington, DC restaurants are about to receive coveted Michelin Stars, but what exactly does that mean? The Worldly Bite provides a solid explanation along with her wish list.
The Hungry Lobbyist says it all with this title, “Drop Kick Your Taste Buds…”. Take a look at the restaurant they think you should try next.
Take a look at several Buffalo art projects with Nickel City Pretty.
Cabernet Franc should really be one of the official fall wines. Nittany Epicurean takes a look at one from NY.
There you have it! Now go enjoy your weekend.