DC Minute Happy Hour at Brabo- Thank you!!

Almost 3 years ago, I was packing the rest of my things to head south to Alexandria. I was excited for the move, and joining my handsome boyfriend in the nation’s Capital was romantic and thrilling, though I had no idea how I would adjust and what my life would look like after I got settled. How would I make friends? What would we do in our spare time?
Last night as I glanced around Brabo’s patio, I saw myself surrounded with people who have become dear friends, who have embraced us and our adventures, and have supported us unconditionally.
Everyone asked how we were doing with our upcoming move, and if we are excited. The truth?? Last month I was excited, and I’m sure the moment we get home to NY I will remember why we decided it was the right move. But spending last night talking with my friends, enjoying their company, and remembering fondly how many memories we have made in this place has me utterly heartbroken.
Man do I love this place.
I remember when we decided we would go out for happy hour -back in 2014 – and put it on Twitter hoping we would get a few people to join. I think at that time we had maybe 100 followers, and that first night we met at Flat Iron on King Street and 5 or so people came out. Then we expanded to Union Street, and the numbers grew. After wonderful DC Minute Happy Hours at Bastille, Magnolia’s on King, The Majestic, and of course Brabo – over 40 people joined us last night to celebrate an incredible ride in this beautiful city.
A photo posted by Katie Cincotta (@girlinalexandria) on
A photo posted by Misha P.E. (@mishaonfoot) on
A video posted by Old Town Courtney (@oldtowncourtney) on
A photo posted by Hungry Trek (@hungrytrek) on
A photo posted by Jessica Hulse Dillon (@lolaroaming) on
For those of you who came – and those that wished they could have made it – you made our night. Scott and I wish we could clone ourselves, or pull a Michael Keaton in Multiplicity. We wanted to talk to everybody for hours, and we left the evening having wished we could have talked and laughed with more of you, and for longer. Please know your presence meant the world, and we thank you for your unwavering support. Nothing but love for all of you.
The team at Brabo was exceptional to us, and we’d like to especially thank Julia, Paige, and our fabulous bartender Dominic – the evening was special thanks to you, and everyone enjoyed themselves immensely! If you haven’t been to Brabo, Alexandria Restaurant Week is coming up and Brabo is running a fantastic Instagram contest for a 5 course tasting. We love all that Chef Harper McClure has done in that kitchen, and Chef Robert Wiedmaier is a legend in this city, guiding that restaurant and making it one of our favorite haunts in Old Town. Again, our most heartfelt thanks!
And with that, our last DC Minute HH as residents of Alexandria. But fear not – Scott and I will continue to host events in the future whenever we are back in town. Until then…. cheers!