You’re Engaged – Now What?

It’s been two weeks since Scott got on one knee – and in the past two weeks, so much (and so little) has changed.
First of all, I forgot to put on my ring again today. It’s happened twice now, and after I place it in its perfect box before I fall asleep, I often wake and am scrambling to get out the door and completely forget to put it on. I’m not used to wearing it, and will now place a sticky note on the bathroom mirror to remind myself every morning.
That being said, when I do remember to wear it, I find myself staring at it way too often throughout the day.
Yes, the diamonds are mesmerizing. But it’s so much more when you know the ring embodies an entire future you are planning with someone. It’s surreal, and filled with optimism and excitement.
We went home last weekend and celebrated with our families. Not only did we get quality time on the farm and with our nephew, the idea of officially gaining another family to add to my own was humbling. I am marrying into the most amazing group of people, and couldn’t be luckier.
Scott’s mom asked me if anything “felt” different after the engagement. My first response was no – I am just as in love and committed to the relationship as I was before. But as I thought about it at length, I realized that although nothing changed in our every day, the excitement of a serious commitment is contagious after a proposal. We were humbled by the outpouring of love and congrats we received, and there is a new pulse to our relationship.
Next up?? The question everyone has been asking…