Getting Our Act Together

Last night, as we sat comatose in our Scandal-binge-watching-marathon, Scott and I looked over at each other and silently understood what we both were thinking:
We. Suck.
By no means is this post an excuse for our rather sporadic blogging behavior, but rather an honest assessment of our meager attempt at content of late.
I wish I could blame it all on the excitement of engagement/preliminary wedding planning, crazy work schedules, tons of DC food events – but honestly? We just took a slight break.
Our last few months were slammed with events and work obligations, and so when all of a sudden there was a lull in the beautiful chaos that fuels this blog, we took the opportunity to relax and have “us” time that didn’t involve blog conversation.
With that being said, we love that this outlet is a means of record keeping our lives together. We were looking back at posts, enjoying the pictures we had forgotten about and some of the adventures that are lost in the hundreds of memories we have made. Sifting through our history and chronicling all that this amazing city has to offer has been an incredible opportunity and given us a mutual interest in which to indulge.
So after we ended our Scandal marathon for the evening, we went to bed promising ourselves not to neglect this little corner of the Internet we call home.
In the effort to get our act together – we want to deliver more content that keeps our faithful readers engaged. Be frank with us and tell us, if you would, what is it you like to read here? Are you a DC foodie? Relationship junkie? Guacamole addict? If there is something you’d like us to explore and write about, send that along as well. Whatever it is, we would love to hear from you.
Happy Wednesday, all.