Florida Recap Part 4: Beach, Family, and Fun

The engagement really was the highlight of the trip, but once the nerves and anticipation of the moment passed, we were left to enjoy a few days with the entire family – Mandy included.
Scott and I checked out of our hotel and made our way to Daytona Beach where the rest of the clan was waiting and ready to head to the beach. Turns out we’re all beach bums, though we’re from farm country in WNY. When in Daytona…
It was a perfect day, all of us basking in the sun and enjoying our first ever family vacation. In the evening, we checked out Aunt Catfish’s on the River, a seafood restaurant that boasts homemade lemonade, a killer salad bar, and more-than-you-could-ever-think-of-eating entrees. Perfect for our family who LOVES good seafood. And even as the one member of the family who is a tough sell on water creatures, I ordered ALL seafood, and was more than impressed.
My sister had to leave earlier that evening to head back to Buffalo, so we weren’t quite complete. But we still managed to get a few good family photos, sans Adrienne. And you know if there is a photo op prop, we just can’t say no…
My favorite moment of the night? Scott asked me to dance to the live musician. Took my hand and walked me up in front of the whole restaurant to dance. Doesn’t matter if all eyes are on us, or if no one else is doing it – always says yes and dance anyway.
My parents (mom, dad, and step-mom) all left within the next day or so, as Scott and I stayed on to enjoy a little more time with my bro and new sister-to-be. We taught Mandy Euchre (I had to tame my competitive spirit as she learned – sorry, Mandy, it’s a personality flaw!), and enjoyed time bonding over sushi and coffee. Not together, of course.
Heading to the airport was tough, even though I was ready to get back to Ivan and Miah. All families are dysfunctional, so I’ve learned, but my family is a crazy version of functional within that dysfunction. How many people can say that their divorced parents can vacation together, WITH the new wife included? My mom and step-mom are actually great friends, and my Pops is often the monkey in the middle. I adore these three, and I am SO lucky to have THREE parents who love me.
My brother sister and I are never together it seems, spread out all over the East Coast. But for a brief moment in time, we got to behave like children again and have a blast. At one point, we were all in the ocean and looked to the beach to see my Mom, Dad, and step-Mom all laughing and collecting shells. Too cool.
The best part is that I can already look forward to a Florida reunion sometime next year so that we can officially welcome Mandy into the family.
So with this, the vacation recaps end. I’ll be heading back to Virginia at the end of this week, back to work and back to the man I love. Can’t wait!