Adult Beverages Cocktails Food and Drink Why Cocktails? The year was 1956. As they frequently did, Bob Waters, Jack Zimmerman, and Joe Brundage sat at the October 4, 2018Read more
Cocktails Food and Drink Medina, NY Western New York Midnight Tacos with Mariachi de Oro There are certain people to whom we could never say “no”. When the Dancing Chef himself asked if we’d be July 21, 2018Read more
Adult Beverages Cocktails Food and Drink When Clyde Mays Comes a’Knockin Who is Clyde May? A name in which I was only loosely familiar, but not yet a household July 17, 2018Read more
Adult Beverages Cocktails Food and Drink Our Life Cocktails with Shrub District The addition of a shrub to a cocktail is nothing short of an acquired taste, and I, too, April 24, 2018Read more
Adult Beverages Cocktails Food and Drink Our Life Drink Local on Repeal Day: 3 Cocktails to Make With Tommyrotter Spirits I was recently asked when did I start playing around so frequently with cocktails. While I could describe December 5, 2017Read more
Adult Beverages Cocktails Our Life 3 Bourbon Cocktails Perfect for November For as long as I’ve enjoyed cocktails, I’ve known about Four Roses Bourbon. Long before descriptions like single November 7, 2017Read more
Cocktails Our Life It’s National Coffee Day, Have A Cocktail By midmorning on the ordinary day I’m at least 2 cups of coffee in. News of National Coffee Day September 29, 2017Read more
Adult Beverages Cocktails Lists Our Life 8 Fall Cocktails We’re Serving On Fox Cross Farm (Recipes) It might be difficult to see summer go, especially when it comes to cocktails. While we’ve grown to love the September 22, 2017Read more