Food and Drink Western New York Because….Tacos. Happy National Taco Day!! We obviously are taking the opportunity to celebrate accordingly, but we are doing it October 4, 2017Read more
Our Life Join us!! Dining Out for Life, October 10th! There are some causes that run so deep for us we cannot help but do our part here October 3, 2017Read more
Cocktails Our Life It’s National Coffee Day, Have A Cocktail By midmorning on the ordinary day I’m at least 2 cups of coffee in. News of National Coffee Day September 29, 2017Read more
Farm Life Our Life Stories From An Old Farmhouse: Name That Noise When you live in an old farmhouse noises and creatures aren’t uncommon. A couple weeks back, Alix was September 28, 2017Read more
Adult Beverages Cocktails Lists Our Life 8 Fall Cocktails We’re Serving On Fox Cross Farm (Recipes) It might be difficult to see summer go, especially when it comes to cocktails. While we’ve grown to love the September 22, 2017Read more
Our Life One Month Married!!! We did it! We’ve made it to the first of a million milestones in our marriage. Though anniversaries September 19, 2017Read more
Lists Our Life 11 Reasons To Be Excited Football Season Is Back! A great thing happened 2 years ago: Alix was invited into a fantasy football league. I rooted all September 12, 2017Read more
Our Life Back To School: Teachers, I’m Rooting For You It was 11:37 p.m. on Tuesday when I realized school was officially back in session. That was the September 7, 2017Read more