Snow Day

Last year when Scott and I started dating, and as things progressed and we knew I would be moving to the area, we talked about how much fun it would be to get snowed in together. Yesterday, we had that chance.
Though it didn’t start snowing until late morning, it started and never stopped. The dogs were thankful for a dusting, but definitely didn’t want to take their sweet time out in the cold. So basically, the 4 of us stayed cuddled up all day long.
We published a list of 10 Things to Do when it snows, and I’m proud to say that we accomplished many of the things on that list… including # 10 :)
I taught Scott how to play Hand and Foot, and so we sat for a long time in the living room and played cards – which is so cathartic in an old fashioned way. Rather than just watch TV, playing cards together was a lot of fun. And though Scott is a quick study, I still beat him twice :) I have an idea that there will be many future games, and my winning streak is bound to end soon.
Mid-afternoon, we took to the kitchen and whipped up some (from scratch!) tomato soup – it was decent, but already I am looking forward to tweaking the recipe and making it better. We paired it with tuna melts with avocado and everything together was perfect for a cold, snowy day.
We did play Nintendo, but yesterday we really spent a lot of time watching movies and such, and really just enjoying a relaxing day.
Today is another snow day for my school district, so it looks like it will be a 2 day work week. We’ve gone over our allotted snow days, so sadly we will be making them up. But right now I am going to enjoy the last few hours of relaxation before heading back to the kiddos tomorrow.
Hope all of you are safe and warm,