Revisiting Rose’s Luxury

*Please welcome Cole and his beautiful wife Sasha to the blog – a local couple who not only are our friends, but who have been perusing our reviews for some time. After our less-than-stellar experience over a year ago at Rose’s Luxury, Cole and Sasha spent their Anniversary dinner at this reputable and popular Capitol Hill gem. Here is what they had to say…)
When choosing a fancy DC restaurant for a special occasion, white table cloths, tightly knotted ties and fancy dresses are the usual. That and a steep check. But Rose’s Luxury dares to be different. On the outside it’s easy to miss, but inside, it’s a little neighborhood restaurant with a huge soul. My wife and I chose the right place to celebrate our 1st wedding anniversary.
A few things we noted while waiting (and eaves-dropping and Googling) 45 minutes in line:
1.) Arrive by 5pm.
2.) Rose’s was singled out in 2014 as the #1 new restaurant in North America by Bon Appetit.
3.) Employees who work a minimum of 4 days a week immediately qualify for full- time benefits.
4.) No individual dish is priced over $14.
5.) After checking in, find a bar nearby. We chose Ted’s Bulletin Bar and may or may not have had a drink and a home made tart before dinner. Rose’s has a bar upstairs as well.
Rose’s Luxury provides the memorable menu with a unique atmosphere and an unwavering pride in their service. I recommend choosing a variety of dishes and bypassing the fixed menu. Why? Because it was such a pleasure to let the server guide us through our evening. The “side of winning” was complimentary (I’m serious, it showed up on our check). From the authentic 19th century dessert spoons to the hidden messages and emphasis on the tiny details, it was clear from the beginning that my wife and I were in for something special.
The menu at Rose’s Luxury is fit for the wealthiest DC lobbyist in the finest suit, yet the waiting line is filled with rolled up sleeves and women wearing comfy flats. This cute Capitol Hill restaurant is accessible to all. Let the wait build anticipation. Once seated, ask questions and let your server turn the meal into a dining event. I recommend you sit side-by-side along the kitchen, underneath the neon “awesome” sign, and watch chef Aaron Silverman’s team put on a show. Our favorite dish was the grilled hanger steak with Japanese mustard, eel sauce, and scallions. The tempo of service allowed us to fully enjoy each course with just enough time between to share a comment with the fellow couple beside us. The staff at Rose’s works at a higher level because they love their restaurant and they feel fortunate to be part of something special. Every opportunity they get, they dish that right back to you and for our first anniversary we couldn’t have chosen a better spot.
Thanks you two! Who else has been to Rose’s? Let us know what you think!