10 Things to Know Before Moving in Together

1. The term “mine” or “my” is going to get you in trouble. This is a big step in your relationship so get used to the word “ours”.
2. Don’t shy away from changes. Be open to everything the other one brings to the table.
3. You may have avoided buying a brand new couch or even lived with roommates who provided all of the furniture, but all of that’s about to change. You will at some point need to pick out a large piece of furniture that fits what both of you are creating.
4. Shopping habits are going to blend together. What are your favorite foods and products, and how do they mesh with your partner’s favorites?
5. Communication can make or break the move. If you’re holding back something, it will be noticeable.
6. Money is about to become more of a conversation. How much are you making and where is that money going? Though a shared bank account could be years away, if you’re living in an apartment, both owning your next spot and purchases like cars will be discussed.
7. You’re going to be saying goodbye to some of the items you’re bringing into your new place. Maybe a shelf doesn’t fit or you have too many TVs, at some point there might not even be enough room for all the silverware you both have.
8. You’ll need to make an added effort to get out with your friends. It’s easy to stay in and have relaxing weekends, but make sure you’re adding in time with your friends before months go by without contact.
9. Do you watch the same TV shows? You’re either about to start or you’ll be using the DVR here and there. It’s OK to not watch the same programs, but give some new ones a shot.
10. KEEP UP WITH DATE NIGHT! Making dinner is a great way to save money while keeping your eating habits in check, but giving up on going out for dinner is not a move we recommend.
This is just a start – but as long as you keep the lines of communication wide open, all will be fine.