Weekend Recap: Great Wine, Great Friends, Great Times

Scott and I spent the first 8 months (read: we’ve been dating a total of 10 months) long distance. 6 hours by car, and we worked it so we were able to spend an average of once a month together on the weekend. As you can imagine, we packed those weekends with as much as we could. I always wondered once we lived in the same area, if weekends would be nearly as fun and as exciting as they were when we lived apart.
I’ve been here for just a little over 2 months, and I can tell you it’s just getting better and better. In fact, this was one of my favorite weekends together to date.
This weekend was exactly what we needed. We have been so busy for the past few weeks that we wanted a fun but relaxing few days together.
Our weekend really felt like it started Thursday night, when Scott and I went to carve pumpkins with friends of ours. It was a blast – I haven’t carved a pumpkin in years, and now I remember why:
Go figure. Darn plastic knives.
But, our finished product?
# DC Min. :)
Friday after work, we headed into DC to meet up with another couple of friends at Lost Society (review post to come).
Spent some time walking around Logan Circle and finished our evening with a few sandwiches at Stoney’s .
Saturday started early, as we were in the car by 8:30 headed to the Charlottesville area. We spent the day at Barboursville Vineyards, participating in an annual vertical tasting of their finest red wines. Scott was put to work in the middle of the event, as he pours for Barboursville at a few of their festivals every year. It was awesome to sit back and watch him with the winemaker and the other staff – they all are amazing there, and the wine is nothing short of fantastic. My favorite? The ’06 Octagon, but I’ll divulge that reason in the near future.
Sunday was more laid back, but we made sure to head back to Old Town to meet a friend for brunch at Murphy’s Grand Irish Pub (review post to come) and were delighted to walk out and see dozens of pups dressed up for Halloween. Grabbed a few treats for Ivan and Miah at The Dog Park, and headed home to relax.
Sunday evening we spent making homemade Mexican (with guacamole, of course!) and relaxing with the dogs on our laps.
Cannot wait to share with you a few reviews from the places we went this weekend, and as always, if you have suggestions please let us know!
Hope you all had a beautiful weekend as well,