Alix taking photos at Leonard Oakes WInery during the lynoaken summer concert series.
Our Life

A "Rockstar" turns 40. Happy Birthday, Alix.

You may call her a teacher, a mother, a friend, a small business owner, a photographer, or
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Our Life

A "Rockstar" turns 40. Happy Birthday, Alix.

Alix in her garden on our farm. She loves to plant and grow edible flowers.
Our Life

The One with All the Resolutions

I have been waiting a long time to use this title. It's my favorite episode of Friends
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Our Life

The One with All the Resolutions

Our Life

Our List of Must Watch Christmas Movies

It's December 19th and our time to fit in as many Christmas movies as possible is dwindling.
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Our Life

Our List of Must Watch Christmas Movies

Our Life

Happy 40th Birthday, Scott!

It feels like just yesterday we were at Hunan Number One in Arlington, surrounded by our DC
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Our Life

Happy 40th Birthday, Scott!

A Five Month Recap. Of Sorts.

They say life happens while you’re busy making plans. I haven’t been making plans, but life has been happening and time has been relentless. My last post on this blog was never published – I penned it a day or two after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. I believe it began “Scared. Sad.

My New Best Friend (and a message of HOPE)

Well, that was fun. I made it **roughly** a week before completely bombing my February challenge. I think I challenged myself to post every day, only to realize that it isn’t as important to post as it is to actually WRITE. The habit of writing is far more important than the publishing

Farmhouse Makeover: German Smear/Schmear

Before I begin, I first need to address the smear vs. schmear situation. If you google this technique, both will names show up in the search. So for purposes, I am using “schmear” because it is far more fun to say, and seems more authentic. So there ya go. So the SCHMEAR.

Date Night: Waxlight Bar a Vin

Ok, ok. I missed a day (or two) of my February writing challenge. The weekend was a bit more than I anticipated (helllllo, Shirt Factory) and I was dead to the world after brunch on Sunday. Monday I spent in the barn with my sick horse and then napping with the babe

On Being an UN-Mother

This post was written May 15th, 2021, just a few weeks before Roux arrived. I was too scared to post this for fear of making my true feelings known – to sit in judgement by others. I publish this as a testament to the feelings once had, and evidence that as it

Scott’s Top 10 Best Snow Photos

It’s 9:52 pm (always this ridiculous obsession with time now that I have a daily challenge) and we just finished barn chores. It’s freezing and we spent the last hour trying to clean stalls and push the wheelbarrow through over a foot of snow. I had so many ideas for a blog